#ThanksGivingMasses2... Just a few more things on the Thankgiving Gospel Reading of the 10 Lepers.

So important to know how God and the Christ defines gratitude and to whom it must be focussed on by you for them to acknowledge your gratitude.

Everywhere I look, the secular world preaches gratitude and thankfulness, too, but according to a definition not Gods or of the Word, and far too general, too.

The Unjust Steward was grateful, was he not, for getting out of his predicament. But did Jesus make him whole?

What about the prodigal son when one gave him a job slopping pigs? Where does it say in the Bible he shldve been grateful for that? No. The Word and Jesus speaks well of his disdain for that state of existence, even though with him, it was his fault.

And with Esau, who traded his birthright for a bowl of stew, Im sure in that moment Jacob traded with him, Esau was grateful to eat. But God HATED HIM for the thinking and act.

We see that there are times that thankfulness is not the right response unto God or any one.

The World says be grateful because you cld be the one homeless or hungry or jobless. Well, the Bible doesnt teach to be grateful out of comparison and except for in what circumstances you may have been born into, it doesnt teach that anything can happen to you at any time. The evil and wicked ones of the World want you to have that mindset and thus never develop faith in the operations of God and know that your fate is in your hands and things dont just happen. This is why I had to be attacked and then reattacked daily and often in order to keep me in this state. God didnt do it. Nor did I do it. It is against Gods laws of the universe and is why everyone involved is guilty of blashemy and do owe a great debt that will cost them great punishment, earned, and not by chance, that is not how God set the universe, and some will not be able to repay the debt. I AM NOT to be grateful for any part of this evil, but I AM to wholly show disdain for it and rebuke it and those involved and allowing it.

In the next chapter after the gospel reading, as I pointed out in the first post, is the story of the woman and the unjust judge. Jesus said she cried out day and night until she got justice. He did not tell her to just be grateful to be alive or some silliness like that. Then He asks if there will be faith found on the earth for justice.

So many havent a clue about how the universe really works and listen to dumbass media ppl and entertainers about things like gratitude and complaining who dont know what they are talking about and about forgiveness, too. These, hoping to get in ppls good graces and favor, instead of Gods, let things go for the same folks, and the wicked demonic spirits in them to do the same things to others and the cycle goes on, and the person unjustly offended never gets made whole. Satan counts on all this and ignorance.

When Jesus came on the scene the demons cried out to Him and He put up with them for not one hour and didnt let them live and leap into another person, either. Jesus didnt tell the victims just be grateful the wicked onesss didnt do worse. No. It was when healing and holiness came gratitude was expected and towards the one that healed them, and not just a random, universal thanksgiving, as said above, that gets Gods attention.

To day, Jesus is the power that heals, still, but through others He sent. It is to those you must be grateful to. You must know what it means to be healed, as well. Some of this psycho babble causes temp relief, at best, or conformity to make you feel "normal", as in like everyone else. That isnt the same as healed.

Beloved, STOP, listening to this World. They dont know shit about shit when it comes to the keeping of you soul or making earth like Heaven, which is Gods Will! Stop being led and moved by those not sent to save and restore your soul and cant any way. Rightly discern the Lords Body!

Get understanding!

Let me also add that there is no such thing as gratitude and disobedience together or thankfulness and no care as to how to show your thanks in the best way to the one that did well towards you and learn of them. Gratitude, like Love, is active. It is more than just a feeling.

YK #JustJudge #SentHealer

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