“ My message to my fellow citizens:

Well, we are just over week from election day. I know I have not hidden my preference for President on FB. But for those of you who are still undecided, I ask you to read and think about my perspective.

First, let me say I am not a huge Joe Biden fan. I consider myself independent and moderate. I do think that there are certain economic issues where Trump has more effective philosophies. However, this is a rare time where economic policy is not what is most important to me. It is the future of our democracy, our standing in the world and everything that this country stands for. Donald Trump has ignored the Constitution and the basics precepts of our country. It is not acceptable to just say, “well, that is the way he is, but he is best for our wallets.”

There are so many examples of our President ignoring what we believe as a nation that we have become immune to the daily examples. But I want to remind everyone of the following:

· Our President has ignored the First Amendment of our Constitution. He has eliminated daily press conferences and banned reporters that disagree with him. He calls any news outlet that speaks against him promulgators of “fake news.”

· Our President has done almost nothing to unify our country. Instead, he supports the “red” states and punishes the “blue” states. He forgets his job is to support all equally, as we are the “United” States.

· According to the Washington Post, our President has averaged 50 false or misleading claims PER DAY. This is the man who likes to compare himself to “Honest Abe.” He started his political career with a lie, claiming with no proof that the President of the United States was not born here.

· This is the only President I know who has made fun of citizens and those who served. He has made fun of the disabled, those who wear masks, women, gold star families, and, even after death, one of the great American heroes, Senator John McCain. Our President makes fun of soldiers that serve, get caught, or imprisoned in serving their country while avoiding service himself because of a supposed medical condition.

· Our President has alienated our closest allies, including Canada, Mexico, Britain, France, and Germany. Meanwhile, he sang the praises of dictators from Russia and North Korea and an autocrat from Turkey. We no longer work with our allies to confront worldwide crises such as the Corona Virus.

· Our President welcomes interference in our election process from outside our country, as long as it is supporting himself.

· Our President will not condemn domestic hate groups that support him, such as the KKK, Proudboys, or Qanon.

· Our President wants to close the borders to those groups he does not like. He calls Mexicans “rapists,” implemented bans from Muslim countries, and separated Latin American children from their parents at the border (and put them in cages) while welcoming the white folks from Norway.

· Our President makes claims about himself that he refuses to substantiate. He claims he is SO rich but is the only recent President to not disclose his tax returns. (He has said he can’t for at least four years because of an audit, but as soon as someone asks to see the returns, he runs to the courts to keep them sealed.) He claims he is brilliant but won’t disclose his college records. He claims he is the healthiest guy around but won’t provide detailed medical records. (He has his doctor go out in public and say he is in great shape without evidence. Show us the test results.)

· Our President refuses to listen to the experts that are supposed to advise him as he thinks he knows better. This is the only President who has claimed he knows more about the military than generals, more about the economy than members of the Federal Reserve Board, more about intelligence than the CIA or FBI, and more about controlling the virus than the scientists and doctors.

· Our President has put down reputable judges because they have ruled in ways they did not like, even if following the law.

· Our President makes empty promises that go nowhere. There will be a wall paid for by Mexico. He has the greatest health plan to replace Obamacare with no details. He has the greatest infrastructure plan with no details. The Coronavirus will disappear by Easter.

· Our President refuses to show confidence in our election system, and fuels conspiracy theories to sew doubt in the results if he loses. He even told voters to vote multiple times, which is a felony.

For those undecided citizens, I ask that you read this list and ask who you want to be a role model for your children and grandchildren over the next four years. The President of the United States is our leader, and great leaders not only practice what they preach, but they should also try to be exemplary in their behavior.
Our President is an embarrassment to our citizenry and behaves in a manner we would not accept from our children. The last four years have been the darkest in my adult lifetime. Joe Biden may not be the most dynamic leader of our time, but I believe he is an honest, patriotic, caring person who can at least start to bring us back towards the light and make America the country that others look up to for leadership“.
~ Alan Rosen

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