
Goten · @ProdigiesSon

23rd Mar 2018 from TwitLonger

Goten's story is pretty basic. (From the Future Timeline, Goten was born around the time that the androids first attacked. He grows up, to be at the age of seventeen, in Super. Obviously, we'll get more details as the weeks go by, in terms of Super (Trunks/Black Goku Arc)

Goten is the only child of Future Gohan and Videl. He was five years old during the final battle against the androids. All Goten did, growing up, was train. Gohan made sure his son and Trunks were prepared. Made sure that, after his death, if he were to ever fall, they were capable enough to protect the Earth. During the final battle, Goten tried to help out against the androids, almost losing his own life in the process. This happened because Goten was home with his mother, though she had fallen asleep, from taking a break while cleaning. Goten took this opportunity to sneak out to where the Androids were causing chaos. Goten got there, just before his father had been killed. He tried to kick #17 away, then follow up and kick #18. He was only successful in getting #17 knocked back slightly. As he turned to kick #18, he had been struck with a fist to the stomach, then a foot to the skull, sending him crashing into the ground. From here, only #17 was after Gohan, while #18 beat Goten down.

#18 drove Goten all over the destroyed city. His right arm had become broken, he had nearly lost his leg, and so much more. He was on the verge of death, until Trunks had flown in, catching #18 off guard. Trunks helped Goten to his feet, then they both charged after #18. There was nothing they could do. They still were no match for #18. She easily knocked them both out, then joined #17 in tormenting Gohan.

When Goten and Trunks came to, there was no sign of the androids. They searched all over the city for Gohan and the androids. They couldn't find anything. Just as they were about to give up, and go on to their homes, Trunks had spotted something. It was a man in an orange gi, faced down in the ground. They both flew down to the man, realizing as soon as they got there, it was Gohan. He had been killed by the androids.

A few years after saving the Earth of the androids (During the time Trunks had been in the present) Goten wanted to use a space ship of Bulma's the search for dragon balls on another planet, and had stumbled upon a planet full of saiyans. On this planet, Goten met a male saiyan, who is now considered, not a mentor, but a close friend. This man went by the name of Argula, an elite warrior of the saiyans. Just after meeting Argula, Goten met a lady, whom Goten served desserts every now and then. This lady was... Something else, a sex addict, who surprisingly isn't fat, due to all of the desserts and breakfast she freaks out over. She is known as the queen of the new saiyan planet. She goes by the name of Joiko, the Red Queen. Goten had learned a lot, thanks to these two saiyans, half of those things were somewhat pointless, considering they were about sex, or cake, but still....

There was a time, where Trunks had went back to the past, in order to get the help of the Z Fighters, once more. Goten decided to stay back, to try to handle the situation on his own. They were up against a man that looked like Goten's grandfather, Goku. Only, he seemed to be much much stronger. This man had Goten on the ropes. He had nearly lost his own head. At least, until Goten followed Trunks, not thirty minutes after. He appeared, just ten feet away from Trunks' Time Machine. Everybody had rushed toward him. Goten slowly got out, and collapsed on the spot.

After some time, Goten woke up, to a battle between this Goku impostor, and Goku. In an act of anger, Goten dashed off, aiming to strike this Goku impostor, who turned out to be Goku Black, in the stomach. he connected, then followed up with a kick to the jaw, which sent Goku Black toward the ground. Immediately after, Goten cupped both of his palms together, on his left side, near his hip. A blue orb of ki charged in his palms "KAMEHAME" He'd thrust forward, unleashing a massive blue ki wave "HA!!" Of course, the attack did nothing. Goku Black immediately hit Goten in the stomach, then was about to kill him, when he had gotten sent back to the future.

(From this point, obviously, what had happened in DBS: Goku Black Arc, Goten was a part of)

Now, Goten lives on his own. He frequently visits Trunks, or goes off to the Present Timeline, to see if any of the Z-Fighters need assistance in saving the universe.


Super Saiyan (A form that Goten had been taught, a few years after defeating the androids, by his friend, Trunks)

Super Saiyan 2(A form that once was unleashed through anger, Goten perfected the form with the help of his mentor, @AcolyteArgula)


Kamehameha(Taught to him by his father, Gohan)

Masenko(Taught by his father, Gohan)

Final Flash(A technique that would've been mastered by Vegeta, but such a thing doesn't happen. Goten has created the technique instead)

Meteor Punch(Taught to him by his mentor @AcolyteArgula. Goten learned to charge Ki from within his body into his fists. Using the force of a meteor striking a planet, Goten's Meteor Punch can travel 50,000 mph. With 452,243 pounds of destructive force. The punch is fast enough to burst into white hot flames and powerful enough to cause a powerful explosion on contact.

Meteor Elbow(Another technique taught by @AcolyteArgula, Goten learned to charge Ki from within his body into his elbows when he strikes. This is Goten’s signature close range attack. It is used to cause more internal damage than the Meteor Punch and break guards and shields, and open his opponent up to more follow-up attacks.)

Meteor Grenade(Yet another technique that had been taught to him by Argula. He raises his hand in front of him and charges a large white hot Ki ball in it. He launches it at his opponent, similar to Vegeta's Big Bang attack. The blast gains more speed as it flies through the air, getting close to it's target before exploding with the equivalent to 50,000 tons of TNT. The secret between this attack is that the grenade itself is the nucleus. The inner layer of the attack. The outer layer is the detonator, rigging the attack to explode on the first thing it touches. It is physically impossible to deflect or reflect this move.

Final Kamehameha(Goten's signature/strongest technique combines the Final Flash and the Kamehameha. Created the technique himself) (I thought I made this move up long ago, but turns out it was on DBZ: BT3 and made it's first appearance, in the anime, against Zamasu)

(Bullshit story, I know. I'm still working on a few things with my OC. Bear with me, please)

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