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The Paradise Papers Make the Republican Tax Plan Look Insane


The bill would give huge tax breaks to the superrich and reward corporations hoarding assets abroad, just like those implicated in the latest massive leak...

The Panama Papers · ICIJ


[VIDEO] About the Panama Papers


Paradise Papers: Secrets of the Global Elite - ICIJ


Panama Papers: a special investigation


Paradise Papers: a special investigation


Panama Papers


Panama Papers



June 22, 2010 'The greatest libertarian show on earth' will feature 'Escape from America' financial advice


FreedomFest, the annual libertarian gathering in Las Vegas, will offer a seminar titled “Escape from America: The Five Steps to Financial Freedom,” conducted by the Sovereignty Society. No surprise or scandal here -- this is a topic libertarians have discussed for years. But it's an amusing difference between libertarians and the rising “tea party” movement, which will be saluted at several other Freedom Fest events. The Sovereignty Society's site is chock-full of tips on which sovereign funds to invest in ("If you retreat to these 6 Ponzi-Proof investments right now, your wealth could multiply 3-5 fold, even as millions of Americans watch their retirement accounts go up in smoke.") and essays like this one from "wealth preservation and privacy expert" Mark Nestmann on the financial benefits of giving up American citizenship...

(((((((((((( The above article contains links to sources that have been moved or hidden by the authors, but were not all that hard to track down elsewhere:

FreedomFest 2018


October 2009 The BEST Tax Break for U.S. Citizens


June 16, 2010 Why I gave up my U.S citizenship

http://www.thedominican.net/why-i-gave-up-my-us-citizenship.html ))))))))))))

3 April 2016 Revealed: the $2bn offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin


A massive leak of documents shines new light on the fabulous fortunes of the Russian president’s inner circle...

5 April 2016 What are the Panama Papers? A guide to history's biggest data leak


What is Mossack Fonseca, how big is it, and who uses offshore firms? Key questions about one of the biggest ever data leaks...

Apr 6, 2016 Panama Papers: The Real Scandal Is What's Legal


Mossack Fonseca kept its clients largely on the right side of the law. Indeed, that’s entirely the point...

Apr 23, 2015 Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal


The headline on the website Pravda trumpeted President Vladimir V. Putin’s latest coup, its nationalistic fervor recalling an era when its precursor served as the official mouthpiece of the Kremlin: “Russian Nuclear Energy Conquers the World.”...

Apr 07, 2016 Podesta Group Connected to Bank Named in Panama Papers


Whatever the fallout that comes, John and Tony Podesta are connected with a shady Russian Bank named in the Panama Papers...

04/07/16 Panama Papers Reveal Clinton’s Kremlin Connection


John and Tony Podesta aren’t fooling anyone...

Apr 8, 2016 With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers


The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm headed by Clinton operatives, has made a pretty penny working for Saudi & Russia...

05/10/2016 Panama Papers Leak: Donald Drumpf, Vladimir Putin and Others on the List


On Monday, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) released a searchable database of its Panama Papers. The database allows users to search through the Panama Papers and other records for individuals and corporations that might be using foreign shell companies and offshore accounts to keep financial information private...

JUNE 5, 2016 Panama Papers Show How Rich United States Clients Hid Millions Abroad


Over the years, William R. Ponsoldt had earned tens of millions of dollars building a string of successful companies. He had renovated apartment buildings in the New York City area. Bred Arabian horses. Run a yacht club in the Bahamas, a rock quarry in Michigan, an auto-parts company in Canada, even a multibillion-dollar hedge fund...

Aug 17, 2016 Shady Foreign Lobbying Effort Implicates Drumpf AND Clinton Campaign Chairmen


Donald Drumpf’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort reportedly helped route more than $1 million in secret from a pro-Russian group in Ukraine to a Washington D.C. lobbying firm co-founded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta...

08/19/16 Podesta Group retains outside counsel over Manafort-related scandal


A prominent D.C. lobbying firm has hired outside counsel over revelations that it may have been improperly involved in lobbying on behalf of pro-Russian Ukrainian politicians who also employed former Donald Drumpf campaign chairman Paul Manafort...

Sunday 16 October 2016 As Donald Drumpf made clear, smart businesses know only idiots pay tax


The revelation that the US presidential candidate paid no federal taxes for 18 years will come as no surprise to the global corporations who funnel billions through tax havens...

12 December 2016 Donald Drumpf and Russia: a timeline


I kept reading about Drumpf’s many ties to Russia, but none of the news outlets ever presented a timeline, so I decided to assemble one myself with links to the source articles. I started in 2016, but I’ve been updating it every day or two as events unfold...

13 December 2016 Rex Tillerson: an appointment that confirms Putin's US election win


The president-elect has chosen Exxon Mobil CEO as secretary of state but experts say Senate may bridle over realpolitik choice that would benefit Russia...

Dec 19, 2016 Follow The Money: Panama Papers Motherload of Ties Between Drumpf and Russian Mobster Oligarchs


This lengthy but enlightening article with a forward by David Cay Johnston and written by James Henry, shows just how important the Panama Papers were, if people had wanted to delve into the links between Russian oligarchs and Drumpf. Too bad people were all focused on “trade deals” that weren’t there to haunt us. All of this information should have been front and center. These people have been Drumpf’s business cohorts for decades. Some of them are apparent family friends. The kids hang out with them, too. It’s a long article and the source allows one free article, so take your time and read it. If only investigative journalists had been doing what James Henry has done and not gone for that shiny object...e-mails. There should be a massive Church Commission to investigate these relationships. Crimes and misdemeanors look like shiny objects to me...

24 January 2017 We broke the Panama Papers story. Here's how to investigate Donald Drumpf


We were successful because we collaborated with other journalists. Now it is time for the media to join forces once again – especially given the threat Drumpf poses...

February 2 2017 The Russian 'philosopher' who links Putin, Bannon, Turkey


The Russian ultra-nationalist dubbed "Putin's Rasputin" by Breitbart News when it was run by President Donald Drumpf's chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has emerged as an unlikely foreign-policy fixer for the Kremlin...

Feb. 11, 2017 The timeline of Drumpf's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct


President Donald Drumpf and several associates continue to draw intense scrutiny for their ties to the Russian government...

02/14/17 Putin has Drumpf on ropes early as Flynn resignation rattles world politics


Michael Flynn’s abrupt resignation as national security adviser, and the admission that he misled the vice president about his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, raises the clear question of whether Flynn was rogue or authorized. Far from cauterizing the wound, Flynn’s departure puts more blood in the Senate waters, and rattles diplomats at the United Nations. The Watergate refrain, “What did the president know, and when did he know it?” is the tune of the day on Capitol Hill...

FEB 14, 2017 Drumpf's Russia Reset Will Survive Flynn's Ouster


But the uncertainty that Drumpf has brought to the United States is spilling into even the places that he hoped to do business with...

15 February 2017 Boris Akunin, Russian dissident, explains how democracy died under Putin—and what the US can still do to resist


Grigory Chkhartishvili is one of Russia’s most popular novelists. Published under the pen name Boris Akunin, his books—many of which trace the adventures of a 19th-century sleuth— have sold over 30 million copies worldwide...

Oct 16 2017 Bomb Kills Panama Papers Reporter, Malta’s Prime Minister Says


A Maltese investigative journalist who had exposed her island nation's links with the so-called Panama Papers document leak was killed Monday when a bomb destroyed her car as she was driving near her home, Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said...

NOV. 5, 2017 Paradise Papers Shine Light on Where the Elite Keep Their Money


It’s called the Paradise Papers: the latest in a series of leaks made public by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists shedding light on the trillions of dollars that move through offshore tax havens...

Nov 6, 2017 The Paradise Papers present a serious challenge for democracy


The Trump administration’s billionaire commerce secretary Wilbur Ross owns a stake in a shipping company that does large amounts of business with another firm partly owned by Vladimir Putin’s son-in-law and a Putin ally sanctioned by the U.S. government...

November 6, 2017 [VIDEO] What you need to know about the Paradise Papers


A trove of leaked documents made public Sunday purport to show financial ties between Russia and a member of President Trump's cabinet...

NOV. 6, 2017 After a Tax Crackdown, Apple Found a New Shelter for Its Profits


The tech giant has found a tax haven in the island of Jersey, leaving billions of dollars untouched by the United States, leaked documents reveal...

NOV. 7, 2017 How Business Titans, Pop Stars and Royals Hide Their Wealth


Records from an offshore hideaway show how an American billionaire grew one of the world’s largest trusts and another owned part of a company accused of exploiting the poor...

Nov 7, 2017 Governments Don’t Stand a Chance Against Rich People Who Don’t Like Taxes


After each big financial leak, individuals suffer the brunt of the consequences, but the system remains intact...

10 November 2017 [VIDEO] Paradise Papers: Everything you need to know about the leak


The Paradise Papers are a huge leak of financial documents that throw light on the top end of the world of offshore finance...

November 11, 2017 ‘Paradise Papers’ expose fake populism


Trump administration officials are implicated in a shady world of offshore tax havens...

11.11.2017 Paradise Papers reveal the rise of a new class: The global oligarchy


Bono, the Queen and Wilbur Ross belong to a new class, untethered to nation or party. How can we fight back?

NOV. 12, 2017 Paradise Papers Show How Misguided the G.O.P. Is on Taxes


A treasure trove of documents given the name of the Paradise Papers was unveiled last week, giving us a clearer idea of how rich people and powerful companies keep their money from the prying eyes of the Internal Revenue Service...

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