[Database] -Warlord: Prof.Scarp- °Ally: Heather Courtville°

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-Warlord: Prof.Scarp-
°Advance alien mech know as Mechaloids or living machines°
°Body is resistant to magic and other supernatural abilities for a certain amount of time same goes for primitive weaponry but he is strongly resistant to EMPs°
°Leader of his own mech army that is spread across multiple solar systems°
°His mission recover all his peoples lost relics and to revive his home planet by finding "The Elder Mech Stone" also known as "The Gravestone" the power source of their planet°
°Last of his race....cause of this due to a race known as "Holy ones" also known as "Angels" on several planets........race of angel-like beings that fought for the ones called "Gods" also fought against the mechaloids during the ealry development of several planetary races in multiple systems to gain favoritism and control of these developing systems°
°Heights: His height can very between his forms but he is 10 feet 6 inch standard form°

-Weapons/ Abilities-
°He is equipped with multiple weapons due to him being a walking war machine but he mostly prefers to use:
-Plasma Blade capable of cutting though the toughest of armor and metals, Fusion cannon and Plasma cannon both able to melt and pierce though almost anything, lastly his Arc shields both used defensively and offensively massive electrified shields that form on his arms used to bash and crash multiple enemies at close range-
°His other known ability is able to change forms giving him an edge in multiple fields of battle:
-1st form is his standard form, 2nd form is his Master Jet form, 3rd form the winged king, 4th form Dark King, 5th form Holy King, 6th and 7th forms are his original forms from his homeworld Mechaloid Alpha 1 and Knight of the Elder Mech both of these are the strongest of his other forms with the same power to match a god, but his deadliest form is his 8th form or cured form known as the Beast Of Old more of this information is unknown-

-Ally: Heather Courtville-
°Records show of only one ally and its a organic female human of the colonized planet known as Terris 9 an earth-like planet suited for human life°
°This female ally is named Heather Courtville age 29 and ex-military once stationed back on the planet earth°
°Lasted serviced as a guard for the space station in the earth orbit but was destroyed by the "Holy Ones" but earth records say it was a meteor that destroyed the station and no one lived though it but recoreds show she was founded by the mechs in orbit near the stations last location and revived now is in service for the mechs°
°Now lives off the grid back on the planet Terris 9 by living in a small outcast town in the desert as a mechanic in her own shop°
°On the side she helps on recovery missions, informant and transport even support as being an expert sniper for the mechs°
°Height: 5 foot 9 inches other sizes unknown due to...............classified°

°Due to her once being in the military she is capable of handling mostly and weapons given to her but mostly used:
-Is a custom made plasma Sniper rilfe given to her by the mechs, a battle knife she kept when she was in the military, carries a plasma colt anaconda also modified by the mechs to even the odds for her, she also made a mech suit of her own in case things get rough-
-Due to her almost dying twice the mechs placed Nonobots inside her to boost her recovery and life span but when in extreme danger of life and death the Nonos will also act as her personal bodyguard but form outside her body into a massive mech about 7ft in height untill additional aid as been provided-

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