❝Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ɪᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ᴛᴜʀɴ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴀ sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ.❞

The typical buzzing sounds of car engines and a city that never sleeps drifted in through the teenager’s cracked open window, mixing with the tame beats of the latest pop tunes pulsing from the ipod dock. Like any half-committed high school student, Phoebe was lying about attempting to get some homework done – but procrastination was more than welcome in her room. Groaning from boredom, she pushed herself to sit up, gaze travelling over to the window at the same moment a small black cat appeared accompanied by some pained meows.

“Hey buddy.” Climbing from her bed, she trudged over to the window to push it open a little further to let the feline into her room. “Are you okay?”

Slowly she curled her hands gently around its delicate body, lifting it with her back onto the bed. It wasn’t hard for her to realise that the little guy had a broken bone or two. New York may be like a playground to adventurous creatures, but it comes with its fair share of perils as well.

Cradling the wounded cat in her arms, she tentatively brushed her fingers over its broken front leg, the bones protruding at gruesome angles under its shiny fur. Only a few moments had passed by before Phoebe began to feel a strange stinging pain in her own arm, a pain that gradually became stronger up until the point that she was whimpering in pain herself, tears stinging at her eyes.

“What the-“

Cursing under her breath, the teenager turned her attention once more to the cat, now apparently so comfortable and content that it had taken to purring softly curled up on her pillow, all signs of its pain having somehow diminished.
Confused, in severe pain and quite frankly kinda scared, Phoebe left the sleeping cat in her room and ventured downstairs. Growing up with two mutants for parents, there had always been a chance that Phoebe would inherit some sort of ability, but up until this very moment there hadn’t been a single trace of anything. Stumbling into the kitchen cradling her own arm this time, she interrupted whatever conversation her parents sat at the island counter were having.

“I..” She began, inhaling a deep breath to steady herself. “I think I’m a mutant.”

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