
Albus. · @BearerOfAgony

14th Sep 2016 from TwitLonger

Headcanons and Other Important Things.

Albus (@BearerOfAgony) - Current status, headcanons and additional information:

•Albus now resides in Wygol Village, the place where he found himself in after his apparent revival and the only place he currently knows.

•It is important to know that he suffers from amnesia―he has forgotten many things, including how to fight, using glyphs, even information on creatures of the night and other monsters. He may never learn how to use glyphs or fight again unless he is re-introduced to them.

•As a lasting, horrible effect from absorbing Dominus Agony, the pattern of the glyph is seared onto his upper back as if burnt unto his flesh to scar, ironically, like branded cattle. He is currently unaware of this, however.

•His old glyphs are still functional, though without his primary knowledge of using them, they are nothing but complex decoration for now. In no particular order, his rune arsenal is composed of: Quadruple Ignis, which is inscribed upon the insides of his shoes; Acerbatus, etched onto Agartha’s chamber; variants of Vol Umbra and Vol Luminatio etched on Agartha’s barrel which allow him to use Optical Shot; Torpor, inscribed on the leather of his bracers along with the standard Ignis, Fulgur and Grando glyphs; a modified Rapidus Fio that enables him to warp about, etched onto the back of his vest; and a modified Volaticus that enables him to perform high jumps, etched on the front of his vest.

•One may wonder why Albus acts and speaks more formally than how he used to be―with his lack of memories, he is currently adopting the manner of how he perceives respectable men would act. Once he reclaims his old memories, he would surely begin exhibiting his old, casual ways.

•Amnesiac he may be, Albus still exhibits a natural curiosity about things, hinting at his scholarly background. This may often lead to him questioning a variety of topics which could well branch into lengthy conversations riddled with inquiries.

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