
ℒucie. · @DeviousAtaxi

15th May 2016 from TwitLonger

// SOLO #1 //

❝It wasn't my choice to uproot and move across the country.❞

It was another lie Larissa told herself just so that she could sleep at night. It may not have been her choice, but it most definitely was her fault. What would you expect from worried parents when they find their daughter unconscious from an overdose in her bathtub, at the lowest of lows. It was her fault that they moved, moved closer to a rehabilitation centre, but that was the single part she kept a secret from everybody else, even her best friend Adira. Nobody knew and that was the way she wanted it.

"I wasn't trying to kill myself." Larissa continuously tried to explain herself to the condescending gaze of the doctor sat before her and the disappointed looks of her parents on either side of her. She had done it again, made a stupid mistake and let everyone think the worst of her. It was a mistake at the most; a depressive moment of lost hope, a brash and unplanned decision after a week in teenage hell. But now she sat there in a plush velveted chair in some fancy doctor's office trying her best to get herself out of being admitted to rehab. Her drug habits weren't /that/ bad, they just had a tendency to make unfortunate situations even worse than intended sometimes.

"You can stop with the lies now Larissa.. You'll be safe here, you'll get better."

She could feel her mother's cold gaze burning holes into the side of her head whilst she was determined to keep her own locked on the carpeted floor beneath her feet. It was typical of her mother, wanting to send her away to come back a renewed person, just like magic.

But she wasn't broken, she didn't need fixing. She didn't want her life to be uprooted and pulled away from everything she knew to be familiar. It wasn't fair. It was never fair.

When she finally lifted her gaze it found itself meeting with her father's, the man who had been awfully quiet throughout the entire meeting. Didn't he have anything to say? Not one thing?

"Dad, please.. don't do this."

Her father had always been the softer one of the two, appealing to his caring nature seemed like Larissa's last option, her features morphing into a sorrowful expression. But even that had no luck.

"I'm sorry, but your mother's right. This is what's best for you."

And that was it, there was no more decisions to be made. No more options for Larissa to try and get out of this. It was final and agreed upon by her 'guardians', she had no choice but to obey. No choice but to go away.

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