Solo #5

Uneventful days and nights followed that night. Larissa had managed to manoeuvre the dead body into one of the industrial waste bins outside the complex - probably not the smartest move, but hey, what else was she supposed to do? The eerie peace remained until the following week, when she was returning home just as dusk was setting in.

The metallic sound of jingling keys could be heard as she pushed one of the keys hung on the keychain into the lock of her front door, twisting it with a little force until it unlocked and the door creaked open inwards. But from the moment she opened the door it was apparent something was not right. Taking a wary step forward, Larissa could now hear the faint sound of hissing, the sound of gas rings turned on without an ignition of flames. Half a moment later came a sharp creak, something breaking within the house, a fuse lighting. A destructive explosion followed quickly after, the house going up in flames as a cloud of suffocating smoke began to engulf the surrounding areas. Larissa had had the sense to leave as soon as she sensed danger, but only far enough way to miss the severe impact of the blast. She hit the floor with a hard thump, ears ringing as the world spun around her. What in /hell/ just happened?

Her recurring paranoia set in again and as soon as Larissa had regained enough conciousness she was up and ready to leave. Keys still clutched in her fist, she made a beeline for her car parked on the other side of the street, starting up the engine with hast and setting off in any direction away from that place. Her mind raced with thought of where to go and what to do, pulling a blank each time she tried to make sense of one of them. However, the night that Adrian left was one clear thing that persisted to replay in her mind. "Call me when you're close to death." He had screamed at her - if this wasn't close enough to being killed.. It wasn't like she could do any /more/ damage just by trying. Pulling over into a lay-by at the side of the deserted road she had ended up driving down, she pulled her phone from her jacket pocket, pressing dial on his number.

No answer. "Please leave a message after the tone."

Voicemail, that was an easier option that speaking to him directly. She could say all that she needed to say without being interrupted or cut off, though it was still debatable whether he would listen to it at all. So in a shaky voice, clutching the phone to her ear, she started to speak.

"Hey, Adrian.. it's Larissa. Don't! Don't hang up, please, just listen to what I have to say. You said to call you if I was close to death, and I know - I know you meant it in a sarcastic way, but the thing is I really should be dead right now. My house- my house just exploded! Now I'm in even more shit and I'm driving to god knows where. What I'm trying to say is, I need your help. I don't know if you ever heard but I kinda faked my own death, Larissa's death, so going back to my old life, my old family, is out of the question. You're the only person, the /only/ person that knows I'm alive and that I can somewhat trust. I'm scared, really scared, and I need you, Adrian. Please.. please help me." Her voice faded to a whisper as tears welled in her dark eyes, lifting the phone away from her ear and pressing the button to end the call. It was doubtful he would even answer her plea, but it was worth a shot all the while. Now, all she could do was wait.

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