How Mabel is

This Mabel is different from other Mabel Gleeful's out there

She is a smoker and its kinda based on Cruella as in that she smokes using a cigarette holder as she wants her addiction to look fancy in the eyes of other people

She loves torturing her victims with hardcore methods such as forced smoking, suffocation in a vacuum tube or fishbowl, drowning with a fishbowl on her victim head or dipped in plastic as to make them immortal while still living. She call those victims her living dolls.

She loves self-torture and being tortured as well as being punished. Such things includes her own methods such as suffocation in a vacuum tube or fishbowl, drowning with a fishbowl on her head or being kept imprisoned in a plastic prison as shes being teased for her freedom.

She is also an odd one in that she likes wearing suits made out of latex as it makes her feel like she's really dominating her victims as she tortures them and will also not waste the occasion to use latex to torture her victims.

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