Solo #3 (Part 2)

In a matter of days events had unfolded at rapid speed, the situation turning from bad to worse. Larissa’s unfortunate doubts about her fiancé had been proven true; he was involved in some serious stuff, drugs and Mafia related stuff. Only the worst kinds would be good enough for Darren, obviously. Argument after argument unearthed how dangerous their situation really was, as well as revealing the fact that he had always only been using her. She was his cover, his way to hide from the people that wanted his money, and now may want him dead.

Heartbroken and scared, Larissa packed up a bag of belongings and all the money that she had and set off in the opposite direction of wherever he was. Quite clearly it wasn't safe to be anywhere near him, and now even her life was in danger. Spending the night driving, just wanting to get away, she finally stopped when she found an apartment complex overlooking the coast, one that also had apartments to rent. Knowing better than to sign her own name, she rented out a place under the name of ‘Lucy Marshall’ in an attempt of preventing being tracked, and settled into her new short-term home. The owners asked no questions and she refrained from giving more information than necessary. It was done. She had got away, and now she was here. She was safe, for now.

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