Solo #3

People always say that if two people are truly meant to be together, that they'll return to each other eventually, that they'll find a way. Larissa was putting trust into that saying with every day that passed after reuniting with her teenage love, her first love. Darren had been her first real boyfriend, the first one she had serious feelings for. But admittedly her teenage years had been clouded over from continuous alcohol and drug abuse, a behaviour that had been heavily influenced by the boy she was so deeply in love with. He was the one that supplied her happiness, yet the one that also pushed her to do stupid things. The stupid things that ended her locked away in rehab. That whole year had turned into a churned mess of memories and emotions, and she hadn't seen him since then, though the feelings she held for him still lingered at some dark corner of her heart.

Larissa’s life at college had been rather ordinary, with the typical pattern of frat parties, late nights and stressed out assignments. Nevertheless she had gotten through it and earned some qualifications along the way, but after those years it had become clear to her that it wasn't what she wanted to do. She wanted to be a free spirited, living her life for each day and doing what she wished. Los Angeles had become her home, feeling like she belonged there more that places she had lived in the past. By chance she had unexpectedly ran into Darren one day, their relationship blooming once again. Those suppressed feelings she had for him way back when found their way to the surface over the year that followed, feelings that he reciprocated this time. By the end of the year they were a happily engaged couple. She was in love, madly in love. She was happy too, for a change.

The second year into their relationship was when things started to wander astray. Strange messages, hushed phone calls, late nights out. He had assured her that all of his drug habits had been ended long ago, but yet she couldn't help her suspicions arising. Though with his reassurance to calm her worries, she thought nothing more of it, trusting that he would only ever be truthful with her now, that he would tell her if he truly loved her like he said he did. Time continued to pass with her blissful naivety shading her from seeing the truth, from reading between the lines.

It was a dark and quiet night spent alone once again. Darren’s absence was so frequent nowadays that she had given up asking where he was altogether. Instead she just acted like the loving housewife that she was becoming, waiting up for his return to greet him with affection and not questioning anything.

Singing a quiet tune to herself, Larissa padded into the hallway on her way to the kitchen, passing through the hallway of their apartment at the moment a note was posted through the letter box. Retrieving the dark, folded piece of paper from the mat by the door, Larissa froze where she was stood in the hallway, eyes transfixed on the message written across it.

It was a threat, a terrifying money-related one at that. ‘Has he been lying to me all this time?’ was the one thought that kept running through her mind. This was something though, something real, and she was going to find out.

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