[Solo #1]

Larissa’s head drooped for a moment as she tried shaking off the weary effects of the one two many drinks she’d had earlier that night, eyelids blinking sporadically with the strained effort of keeping them open, focusing on the road ahead. Her slim digits held loosely onto the steering wheel as she manoeuvred the vehicle down a mundane straight of road, the darkness of the night encircling from all four sides split open by the two lonely beams of light from the headlights protruding into the shadows ahead. With the state she was in she would never have had the chance to see it, see the oncoming car as her head dipped, vehicle drifting over into the other lane moments before the crashing of metal and glass broke the humming silence. Her hands grasped at the wheel, the door, the seat – anything that she could as the car spun off at an angle, a sudden spike of adrenaline coursing through her veins as she was awoke from her dream like state. Larissa sat still for a couple moments, frozen in the shock of what had just happened, before she turned to peer out of the back window seeing the other car upturned just off to the side of the road, shattered glass covering the tarmac. An involuntary cry pulled from her lips at the sight, shock turning into a frenzy of panic as her digits grasped at the keys, frantically turning them until the engine started back up again. She placed her foot down on the accelerator and soon enough was speeding away from the scene, deep breaths pulled into her lungs being the only sound filling the silence.

Knuckles turned white from the strength in which she blindly grasped at the steering wheel, eyes glazed over as they stared blankly at the road ahead, the destination of her journey now unknown. She just had to get as far away as she could; that's what she kept telling herself. That it never happened, that she had just imagined it all. That she even imagined the flash of blue emergency lights whiz by her, off to attend a hit and run accident a mile away.

If she never said anything, no one would know. It was her secret to keep now.

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