#FlashbackSL for @SigynSetFree and @LovedEqually ~

* Asgard - A century or two ago *

He strode down the hall, footsteps ringing out his mood, a dog as black as night on his heels.

“Brother! Wait!”

The stride never breaks, the only sign the call was heard is a low rumble from the dog that elicits a one-word warning. “Wod.”

That silences the dog but not the growl from the man who abruptly swings about to face the one pursuing them. His is a fighting stance, his swords still crossed over his back and the filth of the battlefield marking his clothing. His gaze is directed toward the figure moving toward him, the two a study in contrast as different as day and night, light and dark.

“Heimdall told me of your return,” comes the gentle reproof, said with a smile. Baldr checked his twin for signs of injury when he reached him, eyes worried but the smile never leaving his voice. “I have been searching for you since. Mother was the one to say you were here to see Father. Welcome home.”

“It is no welcome when one’s father will not listen to reason.”

Baldr sighs imperceptibly, but Hodr hears. “Do not sigh at me, Brother. I came to warn Father that the soldier claiming to be Theoric is an impostor but I was dismissed. When I refused to leave until he told me why he would not even hear me out, he made it clear that one such as myself was incapable of seeing.”

Hodr turns his face away from Baldr, who places his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “You and I both know you are more than capable.” He leaves it at that, not wanting to embarrass him, but his twin never ceased to astound him with his ability to see better than anyone, including himself. Hodr’s blindness meant he merely couldn’t see with his eyes. Baldr knew he saw with every other sense, including what Baldr felt was Hodr’s own unique vision, one that was as clear as the light. Or the dark.

And there was no one Baldr wanted at his back during a battle other than Hodr.

“The truth will out sooner or later if the man is an impostor.” The dog growls at that. Baldr rolls his eyes. “In no way do I doubt you, Hodr. But explain to me why your vehemence. Please.”

His request is met with an even stiffer stance, a flaring of nostrils and a hardening of Hodr’s jaw. If Baldr had to guess from such an unusual response from his twin …

“It’s a woman.”

Hodr spins away from Baldr, taking only two angry steps before spinning back. “Yes, it is. She has been duped. I have no idea if Theoric actually proposed to her or if the impostor has fooled her and her mother. All I know is that the ‘Theoric’ I met is not the Theoric I know. He is a soldier, one of our own, and I have fought side by side with him.”

Baldr takes but a moment to catch up. He isn’t certain what is fueling his brother, so he tests the water, watching his reaction carefully. “Who is she?

If the palace had crickets, they would be chirping.

The answer, when it comes, would elicit a whistle from Baldr if he wasn’t well aware of Hodr’s tendency to sacrifice his own wants to protect someone he loved. Baldr had been the lifelong recipient of such largesse and his only desire for his twin was that Hodr would find a love as powerful as his own.

“Sigyn, daughter of Freyja.”

The god of light, love, peace and joy wants to rejoice that the god of darkness and winter has obviously met someone he admires, if the way he says her name is any indication. However, he must be certain.

“What of Theoric?”

“I don’t know. Last I saw him was some time ago. He said nothing of this engagement to me. Then he was off to another realm to a battle that continues still. Yet one calling himself Theoric is absent from battle and determined to wed … her.”

That tells Baldr what he needs to know. “Father will not listen and you plan to do what, exactly?”

“I plan to find Theoric. Heimdall said he had been in the battle, but the haze of war obliterated his view for a time. When he could see again, Theoric was elsewhere, wooing Sigyn.”

Baldr contemplates a few avenues for himself to pursue, but Hodr’s next words decide for him.

“They are coming here for Father’s approval. It is expected that as soon as it is given, they will wed.”

The hint of anguish in his brother’s voice is a rare sound and one that Baldr cannot ignore. “I will see what I can do about Father and attempt to delay everything until you return.”

Hodr unerringly grasps his brother’s arms. “Thank you.”



“Will you be happy if it is Theoric she loves?”


Baldr searches his brother’s face. “Even if it means your own unhappiness?”

Hodr gives a half smile, the one his brother sees so little but loves so much. “I would want her happy no matter the cost to myself. I will find a measure of happiness knowing she is happy somewhere in the realms.”

Baldr doesn’t hesitate, throwing his arms around Hodr in a hug that masks his concern for the sibling he knows so well. “Go then. Find your proof.”

Hodr says nothing, only returning the hug. Then his hand touches Wod’s head and he whirls away from Baldr, the dog on his heels as he resumes his course down the hall.
Baldr watches him go before he turns to leave the darkened corridor. He hesitates, listening, then he, too, hurries away.

Only then does a shadowy figure melt into the darkness of the empty hall.

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