Ruby Sera and Ashe extended bio

Ruby Sera and Ashe extended bio
Ruby: huntress in training at beacon academy shy and reserved she is timid when it comes to knew or certain things uses crescent rose a scythe with a high impact customizable sniper rifle as the handle her semblance is super speed pansexual and fights the creatures of Grimm

SERA: ex Cerberus operator is an adept human giving her astounding biotic abilities she studied and developed weapons and tools for Cerberus she is now a consultant for the alliance and trusts only those that earn it

ASHE: sole survivor of vault 78 where they experimented radiation exposure to different parts of the body she escaped accidentally sabotaging the vaults energy core causing a melt down as she escaped she does her best to hide her physical mutation but it often gets her into trouble she's a very timid awkward young woman but means well with her actions works at a small bar in new vegas

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