As to why I use FRAPs rather than DXtory these days, its mostly because I am forgetful and I end up forgeting to reset the primary audio device in DXtory, resulting in silent footage. FRAPs is idiot proof. It's not better, DXtory is objectively better, but I'd rather not have to redo videos because DXtory decided to use the wrong audio device. Had to completely redo too many videos because of that. This computer occasionally decides to switch audio device for no apparent reason on me. FRAPs will ALWAYS use your primary device as dictated by Windows, so the chances of screwing up the audio are very low. DXtory on the other hand lets you select an audio device manually, which is good for many reasons BUT it can also result in you losing all your game audio because you didn't notice it had decided to use the wrong device or you forgot to switch it back after another recording.

So yeah, generally, DXtory is great and its usually a bit better for lower performance machines as well since FRAPs is a massive resource hog and also loves to lock itself to the nearest multiple of 30 frames (30, 60, 90, 120). On a machine like this though where framedrops are generally not a factor, FRAPs works just fine and it being idiot proof is of more value to me than the features DXtory offers. Usually I'd suggest DXTory to anyone looking to make a go of gaming videos on Youtube. I used to use the Lagarith codec with it though I found that UTVideo YUV422 BT.709 VCM was pretty good too. Neither are lossless, but they had minimal performance impact so the tradeoff was worthwhile.