Request for re-entry. (@College_AU)

Full Name: Leo Alexander Pierce.
Species: Mutant. (For more information, see below).
Parents: Michael Pierce (M) & Emma Pierce (H).
Current status: Alive.
Gender: Male.
Birthplace: Metz, France.
Date of Birth: July 25th 1994.
FC: Reeve Carney.

Background: Leo Pierce is the sole son of Michael and Emma Pierce and named after the sign he was born under. At the age of four, for reasons as of yet unknown to him, Leo and his family packed up from their quaint home in Metz and moved to the United Kingdom, settling into a small house in the heart of the city of Gloucester. For the most part, growing up in England was uneventful. He attended public schools where he quickly showed a natural aptitude in most subjects. Primarily showing interest in Literature, Biology and the Humanities.

By the age of sixteen, he'd sat his compulsory GCSE's and excelled in his chosen subjects. Going on to study A levels in Religious studies, Classical Civilizations, English Literature and Politics. By which time, his powers had finally started to manifest, rendering him for the most part, emotionally volatile and occasionally even violent due to the nature of the changes his body undertook.

Leo's powers typically manifest through intense bursts of flames from his hands.

This power, for the moment, appears to be directly linked to his emotional state.

Only once has he mastered a full body shift, with him assuming the form of a young lion. The effort of which left him completely unconscious for three days and with little memory as to what occurred in those few short hours.

Out of fear for both themselves and their son, Emma and Michael sent Leo to a psychiatric ward to undergo tests into his mental stability to determine whether or not he would be a danger to himself, and to others.

Leo remained in that ward for six months as he underwent evaluation, his mutation seeming to have fallen dormant after such an explosive release. And no matter what he was subjugated to, nothing could prompt his body to shift again. Only when the doctors and psychiatrists had given up was he released, being deemed as safe, but having symptoms in remission.

Leo himself never talked of his time in the psych unit, and chose to for the most part, block it out entirely. Pretending that it never happened.

As a result of this ruling, his father, a mutant himself, and aware of the uncontrollable nature of the energy raging through his son, had commissioned a set of ten rings for him to wear. One on each finger. Each band inlaid with a different stone to absorb the excess expulsions of power and allow Leo to continue with his life as normal, promising, that upon his return, he would help him to gain control and harness his powers.

Determined to continue with a normal life, he applied for Marvel University and was accepted to continue on with a combination of Religious Studies and Classical History.

Halfway through his first year, with the pressures of both controlling his mutation, and continuing to succeed in his classes mounting, it became too much, and for that reason, he decided it would be for the best if he put his studies on hold and took the rest of the year out to travel around Europe, meeting fellow mutants in all walks of life and fully immersing himself in their cultures.

The experience was a positive one, and now, with a clear mind, and fully focused attitude, he once more turned his attention to his studies.

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