[Writer: before that, I want to apologize if my English/grammar is not very good, I hope you like! ^^]

Aura オーラ

I was hatched right in front of my cousin, Crystal on September 28th. A Suicune? Right in front of me?! Are you kidding? She's not my mom, just as I expected...
She told me everything... My parents died before I hatched. They were killed... By an Illusion Fox in rage. And I was adopted by my cousin.

Time passed by, I grew up into an active, brave Riolu, a Lucario named Ruby and Emerald help me with my training. Until I found a trainer, and I evolved into a Lucario.

That's when the Jackal Problem begun... The Mega Evolution of Lucario is found.. And humans "create" more and more Lucario. Some people hate us.. Many Lucario were injured, even killed that time. I heard Arceus' voice... And I decided to become a doctor. With the Power of Aura, I'll save many lifes.

Finally, it's finished. Now our species and the other pokemon can live peacefully. When the time is coming... Dr. Aura will come back~ with even stronger aura than before~ *serious mode* òwó

Or maybe not! ...

[Writer: CUT IT OUT!!! She never get serious >w> well... That's all... Let's go Aura]
[Aura: *waves her fluffy mega tail* Bitches, I'm fabulous ^w^]

(=゚ω゚)ノ Aura's old mate: Reiki, Visu.
(=゚ω゚)ノ Aura's Lucarionite is in her necklace she wears.
(=゚ω゚)ノ Aura's old trainer: Touya, Tyler.
(=゚ω゚)ノ Aloe the Snivy is also her cousin.
(=゚ω゚)ノ Chocolate is her favorite food.
(=゚ω゚)ノ Her weakness: belly, tail, nose, foot pads.

Best Friends: [too many, check her list]
Adoptive Mother: @MikuNyNyamo
Adoptive Dad: Novashift [his account is gone]
Adoptive Auntie: Ruby @TheOneRubes
Adoptive Uncle: Evan @AuraWithinMe
Cousins: Crystal and Aloe
Mate: Overheat @BackOverheat
Trainer: Iro @MHoundoom

( ゚д゚) Aura Sphere
( ゚д゚) Bone Rush
( ゚д゚) Metal Claw
( ゚д゚) Power-up Punch
♪( ´θ`)ノ *Heal Pulse [when healing only]

Thank you~ >w>

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