Little rant or something like this.

I decided to make this twitlonger bc I feel so angry and sad and I don't even know how to describe it. But let me start right away.
So Calum turns 19 in a few hours and apparently paps saw him buying cigarettes and they sold the pictures to newspapers and bla bla bla. Like what???? Its not even our business and what if he smokes, he is old enough, so so so so many people smoke and who are we to think we can control his life or any of the boy's life. I think many of us have to realise that we are in no position to think we can tell the boys what they should do. If they want long hair, then lets appreciate it. If they go out every night and get wasted and have fun with their friends, well then be happy for them. If they meet girls and spend time with them, be happy that they're happy. If they smoke, if they do whatever the fuck they like just accept it. Please we have no right to make them feel bad about something they do.
I don't know about you but I'm here since the start and I feel like the boys stopped telling us everything, like they openend up to us and told us everything but they can't do this anymore bc everything they tweet is drama. If Calum tweets a hot girl everyone goes crazy, if Michael meets up with old friends, ex girlfriends, they receive hate and apparently its not okay for them to have friends?!?!?!?!? 'Luke shouldnt be drinking so much' well who the hell are you? his mum? nope you're just a fan and you should be happy that he's having a good time. cause if he gets high and drunk every night and fucks 100000 of girls - well you can't change it anyways.
I know this might sound rude but I'm just sick of all those people who think they have a right to tell the boys what to do. Like no you don't. And if you think about it, you'll realise that I'm right. The boys do care about us, AS FANS, they don't care if we like it that they're getting drunk or not. If Calum smoked well then, would you care if he wasnt in 5SOS and a famous hot bassist? would you tell him to stop if you saw him on the street? nope I guess you wouldn't bc then you'd have to go over to every second person on the street and tell them to stop. Smoking is unhealthy yes, but it's unhealthy for every person not just famous boys you know?

And I just wanna tell you that what the boys do in their private time shouldn't change what we think about them. Like the music is the same, they just grow, they get older, they have money now which they didn't have a few years ago. okay of course they'll do different things bc their lifes changed and the can afford other stuff now. But can you just be happy for them instead of overanalysing every single step they make. Even if it seems they share their "whole" life with us, we know nothing about them. we dont know how they really think if they tweet "what a great show" we don't know how many tweets they delete before they actually tweet them just bc of the fact that they don't want to start drama. We don't know how they really feel & think.

And I just wrote this whole shit bc I'm so in love with those boys that I'd do anything to hug them, tell them how much I love them and how much they've managed to change my life. And I'm a hardcore Calum girl, I love him with all my heart. And of course I wish I could end up with him and be his girl but to be honest I know this will never happen and therefore I'm happy when I see him having fun, because I know how hard it is to be famous and how hard it is to find someone you can trust. Like everyone of us is wishing for a boyfriend/girlfriend, someone who loves you for who you are, who protects you, who holds you when you feel like shit, who tells you you're perect. we all want that. But why aren't the boys allowed to have it? Believe me being famous is hard enough, and trying to find someone who cares for you as Calum Hood and not the famous bassist from 5SOS is even harder.
We should encourage the boys to find someone, nobody likes being alone, and instead of hating every single girl they look at we should just be happy for them.
And yes I know it hurts because we wont be the ones who makes them happy, marry them and have kids with them, but we'll always be a huge part of their lives bc we made their dream come true. We are the fans who helped them to have their on tour, to win awards and inspire people on the whole planet. We mean something to them but that doesn't mean we have a right to tell them what they should do with their private lifes.

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