Name: Raven Darkhölme

Age: 20

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Dark blonde

Face claim: Saoirse Ronan

Raven had the idyllic life until the age of twelve. That’s when everything changed. Taken sick by a fever and odd rash had her bedridden for weeks. Nothing could have been done to cure the progression of her illness. Her skin turned blue, hair turned red and her eyes turned a ghastly shade of yellow.

Her family was disgusted by her appearance and soon feared it. They kept her hidden away from her friends and the world outside. Odder things began to happen. She was able to mimic the voices of her family members. Soon with some effort she was able to turn her eyes into her mother or sister’s. It was then that she realized what she was. What she was capable of.

The fear that her showed gave her power and strength and determination. Six months to the day of her falling ‘ill’, she decided to leave the family that started to shun and fear her. They were no use for her anymore other than food and shelter and with her powers developed; she was smart enough to know the world was in her hands.

She stood at her sister’s bedside one night and transformed herself into her. She held nothing but contempt for her. At one point in Raven’s life the girl that was asleep in her bed was a doting older sister. All she was to her now was a plague. She was afraid that Raven would turn into her if she would touch her. Didn’t her sister know that what she had wasn’t a curse if she ceased to remain blue.

Taking the last photo of herself before her mutation appeared and her sister’s purse. She left in her sisters Honda and drove it until she knew it would be reported missing.

She got as far as New York City and that was where she remained.

The city was good to her. She managed to find her own place with money that she stole with the use of her powers. She had a fake identification that she was able to mimic and when people got suspicious, she went to a different neighborhood and started over with a new look and new identity.
She educated herself, found work when she got bored and even helped a few mutants out that she met when they got into trouble. It was more for the ‘I owe you’ than actual favour. After all the time could come where she would need help. There could always be a mutant that would be able to see through her disguises.

Last year she discovered that there was only one issue that she had when it came to transforming to other people. Being able to replicate a person’s looks and voice was pointless if she couldn’t speak Russian or Japanese or some of the most other popular languages in the world.

Raven decided to rectify that and enrolled at Marvel University in linguistics. She even went one step further by going as herself. Well, the closest resemblance of what she thought she’d look like at age twenty. It was a lot easier to have replicated herself from her picture when she was sixteen in order to get her GED then it was now. At least she could say that the years were good to her even at her young age.

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