
Medi Spa · @MediSpa_UK

26th Oct 2014 from TwitLonger

Dear Mark Zuckerberg owner CEO #Facebook also includes #twitter

Hall park Barn
Roscoe Bank
S6 5SA

Dear Mark Zuckerberg

Founder CEO for #Facebook & #Instagram
My personal Facebook as a customer I chose to use your company, in view of data protection, since becoming a customer of facebook and in personal & business I have suffered as a result of your platform.

I must Apologize for Writing in such a public manner I do believe complaints should be placed in writing in email or to a contact Section, however Facebook does not have this Facility I will write my complaint about Facebook in the open Transparent.

In 2012 my facebook was locked for privacy, I have over the yrs been Reluctant to use platforms such as facebook, mainly people spying private information, the facial recognition to #cyberstalk via Facebook is a violation of human rights.

Looking back unknown to me Michael Jackson wife, has over 5000 Facebook And At least if not more than 10,000 Twitter accounts. & instagram accounts attached to photoshop looking Avatars like real people with Websites to sell their products, service or spiritual poems and use for their money making scams, such as Buy followers, books with amazon etc.

MJ wife was even caught only 4 nights ago with a Facebook page advertising she Sells reiki and some prices, yet her Website has no T & C and compliance, when she Wrote in PM in facebook due to her using an alias Laura Krohn spoke to her on my behalf due to the Fraud Mj & wife have committed on Facebook over a number of yrs to spy & lie to people extract money under False pretenses

Now in 2012 the woman we refer to as Clown is married to Michael Jackson she took it upon herself to photoshop an ID make me follow her un beknown to me, whom she really was, to steal my private photos, to use to attack me to death, she gave them to a couple Called Richard & Jaz, she is member of FBI she states and can harm anyone report even innocent people, and even as a professional has threatened my life, We have shown evidence, how they Flew from USA to the Uk took photos outside my home and Did a complaint to the social services in which they falsely made claims allegations that were not Factual and this can be take up in a civil court of law.

However Due to facebook illegal operation I am holding this company along with Twitter directly responsible for not addressing the issues in the security protection individuals business or political news groups that use the platform.

We are meant to choose our followers based on whom we know, now facebook how can we know someone when you have Two criminals Michael Jackson his wife with #NSA & FBI and your Arrangement for people to steal photos or pose as someone and threaten them whilst using Facebook.

See here medispa Facebook Business page, Been using for three yrs However Reluctantly understanding the dangers of Trading online with the Laws not being governed by an official legal body & the laws made in 2011 upgraded with respect to cyber abuse fraud act. <-- Old

facebook page used 3 yrs, paid campaigns & marketing however in august 2014 Facebook have changed the format where A customer or anyone Even if not a customer of your business can Write a comment mark with a star & give you a negative slanderous Defamatary comment, and as a owner of a business like myself, you Also cannot adjust the comments, or Decide if to display them. Now I believe with any Business trading online Laws rules must be followed the owner of the original Website that chooses to use Facebook must be looked after As a paid customer or Facebook must be brought to Justice my naming and shaming when its dressed up as a nice social media platform with a very negative Agenda involved with FBI & CIA in USA Via NSA & GCHQ.

The level of integrity of an online company such as Facebook to insure the safety of their personal clients and business customers, whilst the platform may be Facebook, the Business owned by ourselves are also governed by Trading laws. Now a business should have complete control over their content they Display. -- made new facebook page

personal account to prove We can moderate the comments until Facebook can Eliminate Fake customers whom do comments slander a business and we are not able to moderate or change which if Facebook harms small business then We as paying customers have the right to complain about Fake customers Trolls or people paid to Be pretend customers to then Slander women children or religious people whilst they use your business.

The owner of Facebook will not mind us making our Factual statements with evidence to show his failures as a Company director to protect families whom use facebook with children’s pictures and information. I find most social media Very dangerous and in view of Michael Jackson threatening my life and his wife , Mark Zuckerberg, I am holding your organisation responsible, I have informed Groupon to the dangers of Fake Troll customers can pretend to be customers and Slander my Small business, and steal my pictures and place them around their Facebook friends. Due to this violation I would like you to Clean up your act, including making the functions work within your platform for business and personal users.
I am holding you responsible for damages to my business, my reputation and my health and my children lives being in danger as a result of your company.

If a client chooses to engage in your site facebook what are the unique selling features.

How can you sell Stalking into privacy and trolls stealing pictures a benefit?

How can small business grow within Facebook when people whom are not customers can make slander & libel comments and there is no way as your customer we can make a formal complaint. I believe when you take Funds Say for advertising in the UK for sure you must list a complaint procedure, and how to get into contact, and the procedure for the complaint process. Facebook if you are obtaining funds you have a duty to adhere to trading rules on the internet.

Michael Jackson wife took it upon herself to illegally Steal a picture of myself & give it to someone, paid By #FBI to cyberstalk me, in what looked like a fan club to start with called #MJFAM, which in fact Was not a fan club but a few people given a task paid to cyberattack & Bully me daily.

In 2012 /2013 the attacks Became that Frequent I used to Go to bed with the FBI worker & husband paid by Michael jackson in some capacity or the Jacksons his words “he was paid to harm me”

I used to awaken to my start of the day come online to do prayers & mantra’s and positive messages to an over night onslaught of Violent Abusive words threats and libel slanderous Statements of untruths about my soul, my children my life, my business and my ex partner they would Attack, my friends and anyone that had a close Relationship as a friend, in hope to isolate myself.
They did but all ended up happening is I placed witness in the account and They observed the Vicious routine in which I Cried for help Even asked Michael Jackson for it to stop on his platform.

Now Facebook is directly involved due to many illegal incidents, as Displayed through links that are copyrighted and been with the media & police since 2013 under incident numbers.
Our cow molly one of the owners her observations today #sheffield as small business her Question to the Large owners of #twitter #facebook Was the intention to have #NSA & #GCHQ spying on people’s personal private information.

What system or Laws have Facebook made to protect their customers, from the dangers of the criminal Activity I have Received since joining Facebook many yrs ago, and now three yrs a a business account See here

We have Wrote to Facebook in public as you will note with any organisation when taking money from customers or other business, the Address should be displayed and the complaint procedure with contact telephone number & email.

We noticed Facebook has neither Terms of business, or a complaints procedure or what to do in relation to Violation of personal business human rights issues. Facebook Trades in the UK as a company technically trading obtaining funds from business & personal clientele, And as such have a Duty To Be compliant under Trading Standard practices.
notice the link attached.

Michael Jackson wife used Twitter to get people talking initially then Send them to facebook to talk to me, and try to get into private message, however every dialogue was witnessed by Laura or a member of my family.

I have been terrorized in Facebook my friends family have seen the damage done, and when the men sent to me, their agenda was What? Distract, obtain money under deception waste time, one even said to have sex with me without my consent.

Now this is the danger of your platform As owner of Facebook I am holding you responsible for moderating Trying to change information, when I have reported the people by name and shame by posting trolls online when they make false allegations which can cause pain suffering for families and their children and business I am proof with the evidence We hold about each person Michael Jackson and wife sent through to Facebook.

We have informed Groupon we may not be able to conduct business in 2015 As partners due to Fake customers via CIA & FBI and paid mis informers have rang my telephone to waste time over an hour sometimes pretending to be a groupon client. I have Sheffield city council fully aware some of the complaints are not genuine due to not visiting medi spa.

We are unable to continue to pay for Advertising on Facebook until the situation with Michael Jackson and his wife is resolved and how CIA & FBI have been sending Fake customers to Destroy my small healing centre. I hope groupon and many other organisations take up this level of spying and Trolls and fake customers with facebook.

Very dangerous social media platform exactly the same with Twitter, until people are all verified by name, address, Email URL, when making the accounts, We have criminals like Michael Jackson Whom is meant to be dead making Facebook Accounts to Talk to people and lure them with a hoax and take steal innocent children fans could be as young as 13, which he is already facing allegations again of child molestation. Note Michael Jackson wife even states he is a Pedo, what are the laws regards to this Facebook due to parents have children in their pictures, and you have Criminals Viewing spying on accounts in alias names and photo shop pictures.

Please note you will come under UK law as Facebook obtaining funds for marketing our business as one in line with Trading Standards within our websites, Facebook must also comply with data breaches Due to obtaining funds from your customers.

The offence committed

• Section 55 – Unlawful obtaining of personal data. This section makes it an offence for people (Other Parties), such as hackers and impersonators, outside the organisation to obtain unauthorised access to the personal data.[15]

Sensitive personal data concerns the subject's race, ethnicity, politics, religion, trade union status, health, sex life or criminal record

In which in facebook I have been Slandered by people whom have never Been to medi spa
Comments like I am not to use Word Spa, people being offended I work with god having never met me or been to my centre. People slandering my home, Taking photos without my permission of my home, and placing them when they did not stay, due to them believing a therapy centre is an Hotel due to not reading the groupon voucher when they chose to buy.. now taking pictures of my home to place online is an offence and we have recorded & blocked listed the names of the people that chose to occupy by business page, and this will be brought forward, and how many were not customers or even visited.

Now I believe Groupon will take the matter up with Facebook due to Michael Jackson wife slander to them in twitter and the FBI & CIa sending fake customers.

Right to privacy, now Facebook has Data Facial recognition this is a way the Feds in USA Stalk track Trace people, now this is a complete violation of privacy and as a result of my picture stolen by Michael Jackson wife to give to FBi to Slander Defame in an made up twitter account, also put rituals HEX curses on my picture I am holding Facebook responsible for this element Breach of my privacy and violation of my human rights.

see Michael Jackson wife posing as Christina nefy, she currently holds my picture within her site under Black book and has not got permission to do so. Or use my work without permission.
Michael Jackson wife writes book on Amazon Takes money under Deception from UK customers which is trading Standards issue, when obtaining funds under Deception.

Please note Facebook Michael Jackson wife also used Facebook to promote the Fictional book as the truth when writing about Michael Jackson being a pedo in Gold pants with a ghost the double that died from cancer in 2009.

the people Michael Jackson and wife paid their words to slander Defame kill me, even came to the UK To threaten on my private property and took pictures and placed them on twitter.

This is due to Michael Jackson wife having over 5000 illegal fraud Facebook accounts, and as moderators in twitter this is the law they have broken with their own complaint policy.
One is personal & one is business, they used to be one account until last yr summer of 2012 a group of people with one main person decided to set upon us, I had to remove my business information marketing and stop using twitter as a promotional tool for the following reasons.

1. being cyber attacked, business being slandered, and name Violent threats
2. Impersonation of myself on another account – This caused distress to myself I ended in hospital recorded with the police with crime reference because Twitter would not suspend the account?
3. Impersonation of others too same time see link to evidence -
4. Impersonation of another Trademark infringements
5. Publishing other people’s confidential information Violence and threats Copyright issues
6. Unlawful use Spam and abuse The rules are simple, as is the penalty for breaking them. -
See more at:

Note how Michael Jackson wife has even been reported in Daily mail
See here threatening a gamer a business woman whilst using Twitter, I think As moderators leaving attackers on suspending Business, over the yrs many of my business friends in Sheffield stated they would not use or promote their business in twitter whilst the moderators can spy in your private messages, send links to hack your accounts and use #FBI & CIA to spy on people private and personal lives.
Michael Jackson wife poses as Annoymous, CIA and FBI even Christians muslims spiritual in order to harm anyone she feels she has a right to with Michael Jackson owning Twitter.
However with our Exposure and bringing these two criminals to justice the law will be upgraded and changed to stop companies like facebook & twitter ruining innocent lives.

Including Rape of children
Extortion of money
Copyright issues
Privacy laws broken

Please note police in Sheffield are fully aware of the situation due to Michael Jackson and wife has also framed them with illuminati in germany threats to my life, and using Facebook to obtain steal information, and now they have done a Hoax bomb in Sheffield in july 2014 in Sheffield telegraph & Sheffield star, they used an account made specifically to give information to the media from Black ops police army that just happened to pick my old place of work to do the bomb scare, not meadowhall or City centre a Quiet little Takeway, Whilst not Evacuating the nearby hotel or residents and photos taken inside a building to make it look realistic.
Communications Decency Act of 1996 protects platforms like Twitter from being held legally responsible for what individuals say on the site.

Seems Michael Jackson and wife have been threatening many people on twitter, she even offered Blackmail money to my family to keep mouth shut or she would suspend the account and kill and harm him and business.
Not forgetting Ferguson Michael Jackson & wife with Black panthers and anonymous set up a black man to be killed by a police officer and start Riots.

How is it done communication is fast Between accounts and acts of Terrorism are created by using the media notice in Ferguson Al sharpton connection to Joe Jackson and illuminati.

Michael Jackson Facebook page to lure young teens single women, and anyone that might be vunerable To his Den of hoax of he is or not Michael Jackson he admitted he is in Twitter and asked all media to get as much dirt on him as possible.

Michael Jackson wife makes under alias mary Santon but denies it #MJ Fraud is fraud and unless they can prove they are not using Facebook twitter illegally

Michael Jackson wife has recently impersonated the Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin and threatened his life, and the tweets have been recorded. This is an Act of Terrorism and this will be take up further in due course.

Michael Jackson wife Stole my mother name from Facebook and make an account in twitter to give her extra accounts to stalk Follow or even harm my family. Only found last week hunting through my @medispa_uk account I found it and given proof to the police on twitter & the media groups.

Michael Jackson has stalked my home paid people to attack me, and harm my children, as a result all information is filed with the police & media channels since 2013.

I made Pope Francis aware of the violation and threats to my life by the CIa black operative Michael Jackson & wife and their part in the NOW and Starting Fights riots and wars within political organisations using their platform.

All anonymous accounts need to be looked into via Facebook & Twitter their masks whilst Clown threatened another business, this now poses the Question All people should be Verified on Twitter & facebook with URL real name, date of birth, address and email for contact.

This would put an end to the Crime in which Michael Jackson and wife have done over a 6 yr period. Whilst they make money from you as customers, buying followers, in which is a breach of rules.

They will suspend business or personal accounts, and also they have made money illegally and by Fraudulent means over a long period of time.

Most of all Danger to children Families women spiritual or Religious leaders with their impersonations of famous people Dead or alive to Drain take energy and fill their platform with accounts.

Problem people face is when illuminati FBI & CIA are indeed the ones spying and using Black operatives handlers paid trolls to abuse kill harm violate people.

In my case the police also have a pending legal action after choosing not to protect myself three boys over Cyber attacking and death threats, why this has been in the news media circulation since 2013.

In view of the criminal Conduct and the owner trying to sell his platform to china What are your benefits, and how can China like any other country ensure the safety of their residents whilst the owner is obviously in with CIA & FBI to stalk and Steal people private data and information.
I hold both Facebook & Twitter responsible for my illness and I hope this stops this level of criminal activity for mothers Business owners and children in the future.

Many thanks Mark taking time to read the illegal activity on your business platform.

spying & using government agencies has not helped your organisation except give you more exposure on the level of corruption owners Like facebook Twitter have done to people's lives and they as owners must be held accountable in a court of law, or face convictions, or those that Chose to not use Real Id or names Be punished and Taken off the internet.


Yours faithfully

Clare Anne Probert
Director of Medi spa CP limited

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