hi zayn, well i know that maybe you will never see this. maybe you will never know i exist, maybe you will never know how much you mean to me, but i need to write this because i have a little hope. i would really appreciate if you just take less than 5 minutes to read this.

you made me believe that love at the first sight is true, when i first saw you in the videos of x factor in 2011, you get all my attention, we have a similar character. i fall in love with your cute face, with your shyness, with your perfect smile. when i saw you singing 'only girl in the world' i knew you would be my fave forever. you had something different than the others, for me you were, wait no, you are different.
then i started to follow you, i really wanted to know more about you, you were in my mind like 24/7 tbh. i watched all your videos, i fell in love with you and with your voice.
you saved me, you are one of my faves, you are so important in my life and i just want to thank you for all, you make me feel happy and the people sometimes don't understand that. okay, maybe you will never know about my existence, but now, with your simplicity, you have a space in my heart.
you are an amazing person, you have a big heart and it makes me love you more, you make me strong, you make me happy with just seeing your smile, you are one of the best people i have ever met.
it hurts me when the people say shit about you, i know a little more than them about you, and i know that you are kind, nice, extroverted and i won't stop thinking that. they don't know you, but i'm glad they don't know you, because if they knew how you are as a person, they would fall in love with you too.
this year, in july, i finally had the chance to see you guys live, after 3 years. and i have to say that 10th july was one of the best days of my life. i won't forget that day, never. you guys made me the happiest girl ever in just 2 hours. and when i saw you in front of me, i was so happy, i still can't believe it. i can't thank you enough guys.
i tried so hard to get your follow last year, i spammed you a lot, you did some follow sprees but you didn't notice me. i gave up, i think you will never follow me, i know that i can't give up but.. there is a lot of people here who needs your follow, like me, there is a lot of people tweeting you like 24/7 and i don't have a lot of possibilities to be noticed by you, but i can't stop trying.
i really thought you would never follow someone again because you don't usually follow fans, but i'm so happy for all the people you followed, they are zayn girls and they deserve it so much.
your follow would mean everything to me, if you just clicked in my follow buttom you would make me the happiest girl ever, maybe this is weird for some people, but for me it's so much more than a simple follow. i would be in your following list and just think in that makes me smile.
and i'm 100% sure i would give my life to save you, even you don't know my name.
weird, right?

i hope one day i will be able to hug you and tell you in person, face to face, how much you mean to me and how you saved me.
i know that maybe you will never read this, that maybe i'm writing this wasting my time, but i needed to tell you this, to tell how much i love you, how much i care for you. i hope that you realize how much you mean to me, and believe me when i tell you all this things, because i don't usually tell this to a lot of people. i wish you look at me the same way i look at you, because i see you like the most beautiful human being ever.
thank you for all of this, thank you for make me happy even i don't know you in person. you are one of the most special people i have in my life, you are in my heart, i will never forget you, and i will always be there for you, no matter what happens, no matter what people says, you are one of my faves and i will never stop supporting you. i will always be a zayn girl.

thank you if you take your time to read this letter, it means a lot.
i love you with all my heart, zayn javadd malik aka my sunshine.

Eva, @strxtfordmalik

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