@Real_Liam_Payne hiii baby!! I've pretty much forgotten that twitlongers exist but I found my old twitlonger to you for your birthday last year so I thought it'd be cute to write a new one :)
So. 21. Wasn't it like a week ago when you were 17 and loved green beans? But time flies. You've grown soo much past few years, it's amazing. And I know, even though you're growing up, you won't change. You're still that sweet and wonderful boy I fell in love with a couple of years ago. And my love for you is only getting stronger every day.
Liam, if you ever happen to read this (I highly doubt that but anyway) I want you to know that you are my hero, you're my biggest idol, my angel, my happiness, the love of my life. You truly are the greatest person I know. I love everything about you. You are my inspiration, you make me believe in my dreams and believe that everything is possible.
Life isn't easy to anybody. When I'm having bad days, when I'm feeling down and lonely, you can always bring a smile on my face. I watch videos of you and I listen to your music and it honestly makes me feel a lot better. You and the boys have helped me so much.
One of my biggest dreams is to meet you. I don't even know how many times I've imagined meeting you, hugging you and looking you in the eyes. If/when I finally get to hug you, I'm sorry but I don't think I can let go really fast :D I'll probably just keep hugging you until somebody pulls me away. And I still have no idea when that will happen, or how can I make that happen, but I believe in my dream. I need to make it happen, I will meet you. Someday.
I've been to your concert twice, last year on tmh tour and this year on wwa tour. Those were honestly the best days of my life!! I can't believe I've actually been about 15 metres away from you. Wow. I wish I could see you again really soon! Also, you have to come to finland!! We still haven't gotten a concert :( I've already travelled twice to sweden to see you. But it really was worth it.
I'm writing too many things to this, I'm really sorry :D But the whole point of this text is to wish you happy 21st birthday, I hope your day has been great so far!! I hope you have the best birthday ever. Thank you for making me happy every day, you are my biggest hero and I love you more than anything xxx

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