|| “Ups and Downs.” || #Solo TRIGGER WARNING #Nightmare #Torture #Death ~

|| Previously: #Nightmare part 1.: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s21abc ||

As the Italian snuggled into duvets on Dominic’s side of the bed and got ready for sleep a content smile played on his lips. He loved taking the mentor’s side, inhaling his scent, feeling his presence even more and the Englishman did not mind it at all. Marco felt peace … happiness and for the first time in a long while he was content.
But why wouldn’t he?! He had /the talk/ with Dominic and the feelings were mutual. These few days proved Marco right to bring up the topic. Hmm… being held by Dominic all night, feeling his breath against the back of his neck, inhaling his scent, these made the Italian fall asleep fast.
Right as he was about to slip into sleep, he felt the mattress shift behind him and a small huff of breath. His lips tweaked up in a smirk, but he hid in the pillow, keeping his eyes closed. Dominic was quietly grumbling about not being able to sleep on his own side of the bed again, and he heard mumblings of the word “trolling” and “thief” before his lover settled beside him. He knew that Dominic didn’t mind it really, though, that was obvious from the ease in which he settled.
He knew the routine well by now, how Dominic would shuffle closer, their feet slotting together as he tucked his body behind his own. Afterwards, he felt Dominic’s arm snake around his waist, his lips brushing over the back of his neck, until they were curled together. Calm. Peaceful. Safe. Marco needed that, and Dominic provided it without being asked. Since Adrienne had gotten inside his head he wasn’t sure of feeling settled when he couldn’t see, always jumping to attention to see what Enzo was doing when he heard the dog rustling around. To not jump when Dominic eased in beside him, to trust him without being able to see him...it meant more than he could explain, and it made it far easier for him to drift off to sleep in his mentor’s arms.
Running… running… can’t fall down, just keep running …
Leaves crackled under his footsteps as he quickened his pace, sweating and panting heavily and it felt he had been running for a while by now. Branches scratched Marco’s soft skin on his face and he used his arms to shield it but didn’t want to stop … running.
As the sweat trickled down the back of his neck, he felt the familiar pounding of his heart. He remembered his...but from so long ago. As a child he’d ran through this branches, felt them scratch at his face, and knew that without a doubt, no matter what, he had to keep running. He could not stop. If he stopped he...he didn’t know, but he couldn’t stop.

It was still there now he was older. Don’t fall down, just keep running. He could feel it behind him, darkness looming and stretching out until he could feel the blackness of the shadows nipping at the back of his heels. He ran faster, pushed himself harder, so he could escape it. He couldn’t let it catch him. He threw his arms up in front of him, trying to clear his path so that he could get away, panting for breath.
He ran and he ran and he didn’t get any further away. The darkness was catching up with him, he could never catch up with it. He no longer felt alone, no longer felt distance and he wondered just how close it was to him now...

“Who said you could leave? Didn’t I tell you your place is at my feet before? Or being chained up depends on the mood I am in.” An evil laughter left Adrienne’s throat, her voice echoing around him before a wave of her hand left Marco was pinned against a thick wide trunk nearest to him. Chains seemed to appear almost from the tree itself, wrapping around his chest and neck, making it almost impossible for the Italian to breathe as the heavy metal squeezed around his body.

His entire body felt the strain, and in his struggle to draw breath Marco felt how his ribs cracked, giving way to the tightening chains that made it almost impossible to breathe. They wound up higher, coiling around his throat like a snake. His attempt at an escape from his binds, though weak from his earlier tries to outrun this horror, only bought the chains tighter around him. His body seemed to break piece by piece, and his cracked rib snapped as the metal binds constricted him. He felt his broken rib pierce his lung, causing the Italian to cry out loudly then just he wheezed more … weaker and weaker.

His eyes fell closed for a moment as he tried to escape… to wake up, it was just a dream, wasn’t it? The pain couldn’t be real...he was safe, warm...home...
Back in the bed, he was panting and stirring heavily. The duvets tangled around him like the chains in his nightmare and didn’t let him leave… escape and to wake up. As his temperature rose in the dream, he found it harder and harder to breathe, impossible still to wake up and end the madness inside his own mind.
“Nobody can save you now, little /boy/!” The voice was different from Adrienne’s and when Marco opened his eyes he faced Michael, Dominic’s old acquaintance and recent client.
“Adrienne … M-Michael, no … this is not real.” Marco whimpered as he forced himself to speak, coughing up a little blood from the pierced lung. “D-dominic… he loves me … s-saves me.” He panted more eyes weakly locked on the older man.
“Are you kidding yourself? He just used you, pretty Italiano, only used you and fucked you.” A voice from the shadow mocked the young Delucci boy and soon it was followed by a figure as he approached Marco.
It was Jason. Michael stepped aside with a satisfied grin on his face and let Jason had his ways now. The sidekick placed both hands on Marco’s sweaty cheeks, his face inch away from the Italian who could not move and kept choking from the chains, more blood escaped from his punctured lungs and he felt he could choke on it in any minute.
“I told you, no personal feelings in this business, /si/?” He mocked the other. “You are such a naive kid. You believed Dominic would save you if you fail? Now look at yourself … so done.” he laughed at Marco and the Italian felt Jason’s breath on him … so sick, so sick and that twisted sadistic smile of his now played on his lips which could tell the younger male more to come.
But no, he stepped back … would it mean it was over? Jason looked back at Michael, seeking for permission which he received and after a nod, almost with the same movement he pulled out a sharp case knife and stabbed Marco in the stomach.
The whole forest echoed with the loud scream that somehow could leave Marco’s throat despite his injury and when Jason twisted the knife inside him he felt it was over … perhaps it was better and Marco closed his eyes and slipped into the Darkness … no more screams … no more pain.
….. end.

Marco bolt up so quickly from the bed and panted heavily. He brought his hands up to his chest then checked his neck. He was alive, no sign of chains, no bruises … breathe, he thought to himself as he digested where he truly was and what was dream and what was reality. But just like the last time he felt the familiar choking feelings …. shower, hiding.
No, he glanced at the sleeping Dominic. “P-please… wake up, Dominic … p-please…” He begged to the older man in a soft choking voice and nudged him softly. He did not cry but close to that as fear ruled his mind and his body was shaking. “P-please… I need you, p-please… “ He begged more … for the shelter the Englishman could provide him in his arms.

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