Una's 2014 Birthday book details:

Hey Guys,
It is that time of year again where i start preparing and working on Una's birthday book. I'm sure all of you know how much Una loves and appreciates her Birthday Books every year if you watched the flip she done about last years book she described it as "The Biggest And Best I've Ever Had", so lets make this one even BIGGER and BETTER as Una deserves the very best and has said before if she is ever having a bad day she picks up her birthday books and looks through them again and seeing the most amazing messages makes her feel better, so lets make this one extra special. <3

Everything is being sent to unasbirthdayproject@hotmail.co.uk and the deadline is the 1st of August. I'll be passing Una's birthday book onto her in person during the greatest hits tour in September but I want everything done in advance before I start my new college course in August. I will be doing everything in seperate sections again on A4 paper.

BIRTHDAY MESSAGES: Send in all your Happy Birthday message to Una you can make them as long or short as you like (The longer the better!) Feel free to decorate the page, But if you can't or would rather just send in your favourite photo of Una then just do that.

LETTERS: Last year the letters section turned out really well and Una was very touched by them all so I have deciced to do it again this year so if you have ever wanted to tell Una how much she means to you & inspires you or speak about a special memory you have had with her or The Saturdays then send them in and i will add it in this section. You can make the letters as long and as personal as you want.

DRAWINGS: We got sent in quite alot of beautiful drawings last year of Una and The Saturdays so if anyone is good at drawing or painting pictures we would love to see them and I'm sure Una would too.

Send in all your favourite Una tweets and quotes, it can be quotes from Flips, Interviews , Magazines or TV apperances Etc..

Memes And Graphics:
I know we have some very talented members of Team Sats who are very creative and make some amazing graphics so this section is for you, You can send in as many as you like and they can be of Una, The Saturdays as a band, Benuna and Aoife Belle. We all know Una has a great sense of humour so send in all your funny Memes.

Pictures of Una: 2008 - 2014. Email us your favourite pictures of Una and The Saturdays from over the years from the very start of the band until now and I will add them all to the special memories section i am doing in the book. It can be pictures from gigs, magazines, tv apperances or any personal pictures you may have and would like me to add, But Yeah email in as many as you like or tweet them to @unasbdaybook if that is easier.

The Fodens : As always I'll also be doing a little cute Benuna and family section for the book I'm sure most of you know how much Una's family mean to her so I thought I'd do this section separate to make it more personal for her so send in all your Benuna & Family pictures of Una, Ben and Aoife along with any Graphics and Memes and anything else you'd like to me add. :)

It would be great If all Una/Saturdays fans can take part and get involved as much as you can to help make this book extra special for Una. :D

If anyone has any questions feel free to tweet me on @unasbdaybook or on my personal account @claireyelectric and i'll get back to you as soon as i can.

Thank you,

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