
Bonusje · @Bonusje

13th May 2014 from TwitLonger

No inflating Universe Here there is!

And THAT IS Yes why a 11 billion year old explosion CAN BE Seen!

Here to Complete - light years = 3.985.732.963, 968757 parsecs
1 parsec = 3.26 lightyears

Hubble's law (hŭb′əlz)
A law of cosmology stating that the rate at which astronomical objects in the universe move apart from each other is proportional to their distance from each other. Current estimates of the value of this proportion, known as Hubble's constant, put its value at approximately 71 kilometers per second per megaparsec.

71kmps per megaparsec - bbuniverse is 3.985.732.963,96 parsec = 3.986 Mparsec x 71kmpsMpc =
283.006 km second at edge of bbuniverse

NONE of the Galaxys NONE of the Stars We Should have been able to See at these speeds running away because this speed drives all of visible lightspectrum out of range by shift which happens totaly at about 2thirth of lightspeed. What if We hold on to hubblelaw would diminishe the Universe to about 8 to 9 billion Visible lightyears.

Hubble deepspace could NEVER have made it´s deep space pictures AND the More NEVER ET ALL when also taken in infrared!!!

Yet We See much further. And Not even shifted but plain the usual colors and spectra
Also the Galaxy distribution tells there is No bigbang because like shells of a granate the mass should with distance have been diluted and is Not as can be Seen at deepfield
Also a inflation dilution should have prevented Creation of Galaxys and also in such many numbers

It Seems Steady state IS The Answer. NOT a inflation Not a einstein Not a darkmatter Not a hubble Not a quantummechanics Not a 3K Not a bigbang Not a higgsparticle Not a higgsfield Not a heisenberg Not any couplings Not any quantumfoam Not zeropoint energy Not antigravity Not a C Not a captain stumpy

No inflating Universe Here there is!

And THAT IS Yes why a 11 billion year old explosion CAN BE Seen!

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