
jennifer · @zarryftmalik

20th Mar 2014 from TwitLonger

Zayn Javadd Malik, I love you with all my heart and all my strength. You are the best thing in my life. You're the most beautiful human being ever and there will never be anyone more beautiful than you. Your beautiful brown eyes are my favorite things in the world. Your entire face is the definition of perfection. Your lips are so full and perfect. And you have a smile that could stop wars and cure cancer because it's so gorgeous and beautiful and just amazing. Your voice is so insanely perfect and beautiful and unique, and I love it so damn much. I love how you sing Zayn, your voice is so soothing and rich, and good God, I've never heard a more perfect voice. I could be having a bad day or whatever, and just by listening to your beautiful voice, it soothes me and makes it all better. And the way you hit those high notes just seem so unrealisticly perfect. It's the most beautiful sound ever. And your accent just gives me butterflies every time I hear you talk, its so unique and amazing. Your laugh is the most adorable sound ever, and when you smile all big that your eyes slightly wrinkle, its a sight that warms my heart. And when you smile, your tongue between your teeth, you looks so impossibly sexy and beautiful, and perfect all at once. Your personality is so carefree, and funny, and sweet, and loving, and it just makes me love you even more. Do you realize that you've saved the lives of so many people by just being you? Because you're so amazing, Zayn. You're the light to so many lives! You're basically a superhero without a cape, or an angel without wings. You're my hero, my angel, you're my happiness, my sunshine, you're my life. I am so in love with you Zayn. I know you might think it's pretty dumb how I fell in love with a person who will never even look twice at me. Or you may think, "Oh, this girl isn't in love with me. She's just another emotionally unstable teenager who thinks I'm gorgeous." Which you totally are gorgeous Zayn, but no. I honestly feel like I'm in love with you because every time I hear your voice, or your name, or anything that has to do with you, I instantly get happy. Every time something good happens to you, I'm filled with joy. Every time you smile or laugh, it warms my heart. Every 11:11, am and pm, I make the same wish, that you notice me, by tweeting me or following me. Because knowing that the love of my life knows I exist makes all the pain of knowing you'll never love me worth it. Just anything that can tell me that you know of my existence. Zayn I love you. I know that you don't love me. I know your heart is taken, and I know you love Perrie. It shatters my heart to pieces to know that I'm not the reason behind your smile, and that it won't be me the one that gets to wake up next to you every morning, but I know Perrie makes you happy. & if you're happy, then I'm happy. Hell, if you're happy, I'm jumping around in circles yelling to the world about how much I love life! If Perrie is what it takes to make you smile, and laugh, and be happy, then so be it. Because you deserve every bit of happiness this world has to offer you. You deserve so much Zayn. I may not know you personally, & I may only know of you what I see behind the camera lenses, but I know you're an amazing person. I know that your inhuman beauty is not only physical. I know you're just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. I hope that one day I'll be able to tell you this in person, and wrap you in my arms for atleast a few seconds, and look you in those beautiful brown eyes of yours, and tell you how much I love you. I wish you all the happiness in the world, Zayn. You deserve to be happy every second of your beautiful life. I loved you yesterday, I love you now, I'll love you tomorrow, I'll probably love you for the rest of my life because this feels nothing like just a phase, three years isn't just a phase anymore. You're basically the love of my life, Zayn. If you ever read my Twitter bio, I swear to you its 100% true. I will always love and support you, I can assure you that. I love you so much Zayn.

~ Jennifer @MaliksMyZayn

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