
Name: Axel Wilder
Class: Senior
Date of birth: January 1st
Hometown: New York City

Parents: Norman and Jennifer Wilder
Siblings: None (illegitimate half-brother, Ben Jocasta)
Taken by: Tony Stark

Axel made himself known early in his college days as a bad boy. He made it into Marvel University by the skin of his teeth and his father’s money donating the University library fund. This consistent financial support made it impossible for the University to expel him based on the trouble he’s caused in the past. Despite being known as one of the most popular guys in his year, the life of every party and the go-to guy for any questionably illegal activities, he’s treated himself as somewhat of a loner.

He’s had a string of casual lovers, both male and female, but rarely has anyone stuck around longer than one night, and never have longer than a week. That’s until Tony came into his life and he formed, at first, a strong attachment to him and later a formidable relationship with him. Despite the obstacles thrown at them along the way, he’s fallen in love with the freshman and looks forward to moving in with him in the new year after they’ve each met each other’s families.

He’s currently studying a business degree at his father’s insistence. His father is a rising figure in politics and wants his son to follow in his stomach as he continues up his own career ladder. Axel’s never given much thought to this, in fact, he’s been notoriously against this for most of his teenage years and has worked up a criminal record of petty theft and street fights that have gone against him. Since settling somewhat with Tony, though, his grades have improved and he looks to graduate with a great grade in the summer.

He cares a great deal for the small group of freshmen he has socialised with, and feels a great amount of protection towards them. He’s branching out among Tony’s friends and finds many of them adorable in their own ways. For the first time in his life, he doesn’t feel like rebelling, as he’s finally been able to build up a life for himself that his father hasn’t created for him.

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