Full Name: Carmelina Valentina Delucci

-Age: 20 years old

-Immediate Family: Giovanni Delucci (Father), Giselle Delucci (Mother), Luigi (Brother), Marco (Brother), Robert (Brother).

-Extended Family: Father's "close friends"/ business partners.

-Physical Appearance: Blue- eyes. Ebony hair. Tall (5'7), normal built. Monroe birthmark.

-Speech: Brox Accent
-Languages: English, Italian, French.


-Carmelina tends to listen more that she speaks. She has no special abilities, but has an impressive intuitive and gut instinct. She is witty, gregarious, and on average rather friendly. Once you earn her trust, the more sweet, charismatic, and loving characteristics shine out even more. However, at times she can be pretty rude and cold, but thats just her inner New Yorker.

Underneath her tough surface, loyalty is one of the most important qualities to her, a value influenced by her family. She has one simple philosophy; "Don't mess with my family".


-Nothing superhuman; has a great gut instinct and can read people pretty well.

-Lets just say she's pretty familiar with bustin' a kneecap or two.

Background on Carmelina:

-Carmelina grew up in the Bronx, New York in the Delucci family home. Her father took over the family business when her first brother, Luigi, was born. Behind closed doors The Delucci family is apart of the Italian mafia in the New York and New Jersey regions, their territory primarily being the Bronx. To the public, the family masquerades their "family business" as an Construction Supply Company (Gladiator Building Co.) as well as owning an Italian Cafe in the heart of their neighbourhood, the hang out spot for the "Wise Guys".

-At a young age, Carmelina underwent one of the most influential life experiences in her childhood. She loved to run around the house and play, especially in her papa's office. One day, she snuck into his office slickly while he was having one of his "business meetings", unnoticed. Before her stood one of her father's business partners, pointing a gun at him. Her doe eyes shot over to her papa, watching him carefully. She admired how he sat cooly in his chair, glaring over at the man stone-faced… he didn't even blink. The bad man's revolver made a "click" as it loaded the bullet to fire upon his will. She knew where her papa kept the spare gun, having come across it while playing about in the office. She ran her hand underneath the the lamp stand, slowly pulling it out from its hiding place with both hands. She held the handgun up to the bad man the way she did when she played pretend and pressed her tiny fingers on the trigger. *BAM* The release of the bullet threw her back, the sound still ringing in her ears to this day. --

-Fascinated with languages and their origins, she will major in Linguistics at Marvel University and has hopes to make the best of her experience at college.

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