While we do not wish to sour the festivities just before Halloween, we have had reports that some members are accusing others of bullying behavior. This is to the extent that some members are supposedly warning new players off other characters. This is why some characters have left recently.

To this we have only one thing to say:

You are pathetic, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

If you have an issue with other characters, or their writers, then bring it to the Moderators so that we can work on fixing it. You could also try and step up and speak to the writer one on one. Please remember that this is a ‘College’, not pre-school, and this sort of childish bullshit is beneath every single member. Or so we thought.

Do not try to destroy the group from the inside out by spreading rumors and false accusations about other writers. If this is your mentality, why are you bothering to stay? As Moderators, we can honestly say we’d rather you packed up and shipped out now. We don’t want people like you in the group.

On the tail end of this, we would actually like to thank every single player that gives this group their all, and tries to play with everyone else. The group would not be what it is without dedicated writers such as yourselves, so thank you. You make running this group a pleasure.

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