You know I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but I am beginning to wonder if the #defundobamacare movement that some of the "conservative" leaders in Washington picked up on. I am wondering if maybe they jumped on the bandwagon as a ploy to end sequestration.

I heard one tidbit of info in a statement by one of the republican leaders, I can't remember who it was but they said the house spending bill (paraphrasing here) was giving the democrats what they want, the end of the sequestration (i.e. the complete funding for all of Obama's wants) in exchange for defunding obamacare.

Now we know from history that obamacare is most likely not going to be defunded, and if the past is any indication of what happens.

They will keep the end of sequestration out of the bill and still give us obamacare, which as normal once again they give us the worst of both worlds.

That's our government for you people, not of the people, not by the people and certainly not for the people.

All the true conservatives out there, I ask you to truly question everything. I like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, etc. as much as anyone, but I encourage you to question everything. This country is too important to us and the world for us to only see the superficial and outward appearances.

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