
· @grexymazing

4th Aug 2013 from TwitLonger


So, I announced on the A/N of Chapter 39 ( that I'll hold a one shot competition for my GC fanfic "I'm Her Boyfriend?!". Since there are a few who are interested, here are my mechanics:

~ It can be ANYTHING RELATED about my fanfic. For example, you could write a one shot about YN and Keaton ending up, or YN ending up with another guy or YN ending up with nobody, Greyson ending up with Nikki or Keaton. Lol. It can also be Nikki's love story, Eben's, Joel's, even Alexa's or it can't be about relationships. Let your juices flow. It can be tragic, romance, humor, horror or combinations.

~ No limits on how long your one shot is.

~ For your entry to be valid, give me the link or dedicate it to me.

~ Deadline will be on the 23rd of August.


A follow and a dedication. :)

I'd look forward to your works! I'm sure it'll be great! <3

Lots of love,
GrexyMazing <3

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