@oksas1 ok, you're the first one to ask but this short 'article' (more like blog post) I'm writing on the fly as applicable to anyone.

if the kind of job you're looking for is web designer and you live in Ohio, lets say, you could save a search like this:
web designer cleveland -filter:links
some useful hash tags would be #jobs , #job , -filter:links .
the 'filter links' part of it makes it so that only tweets without links show up. that helps to screen out many of the bots that are on Twitter (it sure is nice to talk to humans on twitter and get responses from them too). You might also want to only send tweets to employers with real photos, because if its a logo or some kind of graphic instead that makes it less likely that its a person (and instead a bot).

Not to say these bots don't provide useful links to legitimate job postings, they often times do.

Even though no relevant employers may be following you, you could write a tweet like
#forhire web designer in Columbus, OH with expertise Gimp, Fireworks, and other photoshop alternatives. <link to your portfolio.>

make sure that your very personal social media accounts is separate from anything you'd want your employer to see. :-)

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