Drone Kills Now Tied to Nobel Prize: RT@YourAnonNews https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BILb3FXCcAA4gu5.jpg

Obama put it in his Nobel Prize Lecture on December 10, 2009, "America -- in fact, no nation -- can insist that others follow the rules of the road if we refuse to follow them ourselves. For when we don't, our actions appear arbitrary and undercut the legitimacy of future interventions." Seven days after Barack Obama spoke those words, his administration executed the first drone attack on Yemen of which we have a distinct record. The December 17 missile strike against the Yemeni village of al-Majalah killed 46 persons. At least 21 of them were children, and many of the others were women. http://www.democracynow.org/2013/4/23/jeremy_scahill_the_secret_story_behind https://o.twimg.com/2/proxy.jpg?t=HBgpaHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0cGljLmNvbS9zaG93L2xhcmdlL2NuNzhhNC5qcGcUsAQUrAIAFgASAA&s=gcauJWuR3DJRh7_voS0GQ-zPQQc16LcS1wZu9nbE7bc

Obama's case, too, as in Nixon's, the exorbitant love of secrecy springs from a desire not to be judged.

The United States in the past decade has now killed, at a low estimate, 225,000 people in Iraq



Add'l Barry Wash-out

#1. Deliberate lies- To American Citizens, regarding the extent of Radiation Exposure & Death from Fukushima ( thousands dead, thousands more-suffering Thyroid Damage - see links in twitpic notes ); colluding with WHO & IAEA cover-up and obfuscation of the True-Scope of continuing World Wide Danger { see "SuperBomb" link}http://twitpic.com/cnowaq linked notes=> http://twitpic.com/c3gy31

#2. Selling the USA down the S-Hole.....http://static.politifact.com.s3.amazonaws.com/politifact%2Fphotos%2Fdebt_email.jpg Kleptocracy Graphical representations=> http://usdebt.kleptocracy.us/

#3. Mortgage clam-shell fake-out-"solutions" https://t.co/nDW3AtLqk2

#4. Chewing-up WhistleBlowers (Again a Nixon-era valid comparison "If Presidents do it-ten its NOT illegal) http://t.co/9cU2vjuxIn

#5. Food Stocks rapidly being Dominated/corrupted by GM/GMO http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:USA._Genetically_engineered_crops_timeline.gif

#6. Deliberately lying on Gun Deaths Stats https://twitter.com/GunLink/status/277239926905511937/photo/1

#7. NDAA detention of USA Citizens & possible assassination https://twitter.com/TheAtlantic/status/286970223515561984/photo/1/large

#8. Selling Pork...Instead of meaningful work, Destabilizing "Homeland Security https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A9t3gvmCcAARi2z.png

#9. A Looser ..on the Renewable Energy transition front http://cdncontent.solarnovus.com/images/stories/Features/EPIC_2012_Fig4_5.jpg

#10. As the Value of our Hard Earned Buck approaches the Azimuth -0- pt rapidly http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-YTyPGaEsBcw/T0Kd1nS9zJI/AAAAAAAABQw/MhD1cWnfJI8/s1600/Purchasing%2BPower%2Bof%2BU.S.%2BDollar.jpg And the Petro-Dollar's stability vaporizing rapidly http://twitpic.com/co8o4h

#11. And the List Goes On https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BDHpa3bCUAA5B2h.jpg

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