
Beth · @harryiscuteok

4th Dec 2012 from Twitlonger

Let me break it down to you exactly why Haylor just a big PR stunt.

First of all, Taylor Swift is known for fake relationships. Also, she dated Conor Kennedy who she was EXTREMELY smitten with this summer and they recently broke up. I doubt she'd get into a relationship with someone new this fast (unless it's fake of course) and if she did..then LOL!

Second: Harry is an extremely private person. There's no way he would hold hands with someone while surrounded by paps. He's even said that if you're famous you want to keep your relationships private.

Third: This Haylor thing has been rumoured ever since early this year, after only meeting eachother ONCE. Then Taylor proceeded to date Conor Kennedy so it was obviously just bullshit. But it's clear they've been planning this for a while. Like the supposed meet up at X factor USA with no pictures or anything except for X Factor tweeting about it (which was just weird). Also it's highly unlikely that Harry was even there - (http://couldnotspeakasloudasmyheart.tumblr.com/post/35844244650/okay-a-friend-of-mine-and-i-were-kinda-bored-this) read this and think about it. And they've met like.. what, a maximum of 5 times and now they're all over town holding hands? Yeah that's not suspicious or anything.

Management is also trying to make all of these Larry/gay rumours go away. I know most of you don't believe in Larry and think it's bullshit but more and more rumours about Harry being gay has come up recently and they're trying their best to make people believe he's not. A new interview with Union J just came out and they talked about Harry having a beard.

If Haylor was real they'd be more private about it. So far the only places we've seen them is in extremely public places where they know they will be seen. It's what they want. You don't go on a stroll through Central Park unless you WANT to be seen. And it was just confirmed by a paparazzi that Taylor is known for calling photographer's on her "dates". We all know Harry is a pro at not being seen when he wants too.

Haylor is being so publicized and shoved in our faces that it's impossible for it to be anything BUT a PR stunt. It's been 2 days and we've already got like 100 HQ pictures - let's be real.

Also, it's a good setup because soon the boys will be heading back to the UK and Taylor will stay in America. They won't have to see eachother and it'll be easy to just claim they're dating in interviews, they won't actually have to meet and play the whole thing up. And they both have world tours coming up which means they won't get to see eachother for MONTHs and MONTHS. You don't get into a relationship if you want to make it work when you're that busy. We'll see if they actually have to fake a relationship or if it'll just be a few more appearances.

Not to mention they both have newly released albums, the tours and the jingle ball gig.

Everything about Haylor SCREAMS publicity and if you can't see that I feel sorry for you.

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