TM *sigh* TM TM TM. #TeamMindless. I was gonna do this last week but I forgot so here it goes,

Dear TM,

I think you should leave Mindless Behavior alone and let them do them. Whenever they do something y'all dont like, all I see is some people from TM taking it to the extreme. Obviously, they're human right? Yeah I am right and they should be able to do humanly things without you guys judging them. Take it like you drawing with a pencil. You're drawing a line and you make some lines thick and some lines thin. You erase it and keep on going. That's what life is like. The thick and thin lines represents the mistakes MB have made in life and the eraser is for cleaning it up and moving on. They are never going to make or stay on a perfect line. Yes, they make mistakes because they're HUMAN. Some of TM forget that and assume that they are perfect because they're on TV and they make music for us. I also think that's the reason they're always attacked also but that's not the point I'm trying to make but I will admit though, some of the jokes that are taken to the extreme are hilarious but it might hurt them if you're judging their every move. Also, the thing about people saying how they're real TM and shit like that, there is no fake, real or popular TM. There's just TM #TeamMindless. We are one team. You don't see the Beliebers bickering at each other. They love each other and we should be doing the same thing. We should love each other and leave MB to their businesses and just love and support them for their music. Win them awards and join others into the team. That's my opinion though. I'm not trying to change or preach anything. I'm just informing you. This is your choice. If you want to take things to the extreme like some of you are already do, go ahead and type away but if you're tired of all the bickering and people judging MB's lives and each other's lives, Send this twitlonger to other people so others in TM could hear this and let them know that we want this to stop and that we should all stay out of each other's and MB's businesses.

Sorry this was long but I had a lot to say.

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