
dagalti · @dagalti

30th Aug 2012 from Twitlonger

. @aravindmano haha. adhu theriyin. I didn't mean to imply the film will make me appreciate the music better. By that time the hype around the music dies. Right now there is pressure to opine. Which is why I usually hear it much later.

From my listenings yesterday, I found it quite meh. I read the technical nuances posted by others and the ga-ga's of the non-meesicals too.

That kind of think invokes too conflicting feelings. One, an anxiety to detect and appreciate things that everyone else seem to be 'getting'. This is a sureshot way to ruin a song-listening experience.

Second, is a feeling of annoyance at oneself, which seemlessly gets transition to the work itself (ulaga cinema based kadups) which urges one to label and dismiss it rightaway.

Given the hype machine is going to go full swing for the next few weeks, the only way to operate, is to completely steer clear of all this till all this goes away and the songs can be heard and assessed as a member of the general public.

Moreover, by that time the frequency of playing on aiwaves would have been influenced by a middle-of-the-road filtering; which is usually closer to my tastes. Inextricably intertwined is the appeal of familiarity.

adhunaala, neenga ellAm nadaththunga...nesst meet paNREn :-)

#nowlistening viLayAttA padagOtti

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