Ready for a Rainstorm Contest?! 

Rainstorms, huge announcement, and i need your help!

But there's a prize for the winner who helps the most..

The winner of the contest will get an original song written about them and a YouTube video recorded of me singing the song for YOU! You interested??

Here's what you need to do: 

1.) FIRST, (to start the participation) share this link on your twitter and facebook, to spread the word!

2.) Share the link to my "As Long As You Love Me" snippet with a new twitter friend, either one of Britney Spears' twitter friends or Miley Cyrus' twitter friends. 

3.) Keep track of how many people you are sending the message too!

4.) Send your count to @ImTeamMandyRain on Wednesday 8/1 (The day of the FULL VIDEO release) !!

The winner will be anncouced on Friday 8/3!!

What you need in the tweet: 

1.) My twitter link @themandyrain

2.) The hashtag #WhoIsMandyRain

3.) The YouTube snippet link


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