Congrats on your attention. Does anyone remember Mia Emily? Let's have a little reminder, shall we? She faked her death, saying she had cancer. AFTER her 'death' she posted on her account that she did in fact fake it and said she did it for "personal reasons". People seem to be picking up on this trend of faking a serious illness. This is what I believe, and this is what I put together, because Manon's facts and story do not add up. Manon deserves a day? Hell to the no. She does not deserve a day anymore than anyone else who has died from cancer, and she won't be the last. ESPECIALLY since Manon's story doesn't make sense, AT ALL. Who would even question it when someone says they have cancer? No one would think about if the person was lying, because we all assume people don't think like that. But they do. I believe it is still in fact, Manon running all her accounts. Also, what kind of brother just immediately announces his sisters death? NOT A VERY GOOD ONE. Sorry but I'd be over there crying with my family, not on an iPhone app. And isn't kind of funny how he was ALWAYS on the instagram? Hmm, don't you think you might wanna put that on hold and focus on your sister that just died? And this Twitter shit is pissing me off, '1dDedicateMomentsToManonAtMSG'? No, just no. That's absolute bullshit. How about you dedicate it to the real fighters? There's just so much that doesn't add up with Manon, and her story. Don't you think it's a little odd how Manon passed away EXACTLY two years after she was diagnosed? Did you know she apparently died from a heart attack? Heart attacks are HIGHLY unlikely for teenagers. And why was she in surgery? To remove the cancer THAT HAD ALREADY SPREAD. That just doesn't make sense. Manon also had hair, the medication she would've been taking would've made ALL of her hair fall out, eyebrows, pubic, armpits. ALL OF IT. But yet, Manon still had hair... Strange. The doctors would've been prepared for anything to go wrong during her surgery, also. And her brother 'Daniel' IMMEDIATELY announced his sisters death AND THEN PROCEEDED TO ASK FOR A CO-OWNER ON HER INSTAGRAM. That would've been the LEAST of my worries. He also continued posting like no big deal. Like she never even died.

Still think she's dead? And all you wondering how I know it's fake? Because I know what cancer is, my best friend had it and I went through the process with her. You DO NOT have surgery when the cancer spreads. You have surgery BEFORE it spreads. According to "Daniel", Manon had surgery and that was when it spread. No. That does not make sense. You only have surgery to remove a mass. CHEMOTHERAPY STOPS CANCER. Not surgery. So maybe before this girl made up this story, she should've got her facts straight. Because right now, whoever is on her account. Knows nothing about cancer.

I have also been getting SEVERAL messages on tumblr, saying that Manon goes to their school, AND STILL DOES. One of the messages reads:
"What the fuck. Loooooooool Manon didn't have cancer. Manon went to my school, and she still does. She hasn't died. Is this a sick joke, wtf."

After Louis Tomlinson (member of One Direction) tweeted to Manon saying:
"@/spinthelouis lots and lots of love to you. Sweet dreams, sleep tight xxxx"

Manon's instagram was DELETED.

Nothing quite adds up...
Manon was fake.

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