@WilliamJHague @nabeelrajab @maryamalkhawaja @angryarabiya @mariaselba
In March 2001, YOU said:
"We have a Government that has contempt for the views of the people it governs.
[...]I think Britain would be all right, if only we had a different Government.
[...] This country must always offer sanctuary to those fleeing from injustice. Conservative Governments always have, and always will. But it's precisely those genuine refugees who are finding themselves elbowed aside."

Abdulhadi AlKhawaja is a Danish citizen in the prisons of the Al-Khalifa regime in Bahrain. He has been on hunger strike to gain his freedom from unjust captivity for more than 57 days! He is near death and the Bahraini regime will do nothing, they will not retry his case, hear his appeal, or annul his conviction. His trial was unconstitutional inasmuch as a civilian was tried before a military tribunal. He has committed no crime, he has done nothing but seek freedoms for himself and the Bahraini people from a despotic repressive dictatorship.
Sir, I ask you to help him. I know you are powerful and influential. I ask you to use these faculties in this just cause and to act to preserve the life of a great humanitarian and human rights advocate, Abdulhadi AlKhawaja. Possibly offering the Bahraini Government to take AlKhawaja in asylum, in exile...
PLEASE act in any and all ways that you may be able to offer this noble man help in his time of dire need...
Thank you, so much.

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