Hello my lovely directioners! <3
I just wanted to tell you something about the fanvideo I'm going to make. It's worldwide, so you can join, even though you're not from Holland.

The song is going to be 'WMYB', but not the original. Because it sounds like a big party song, the theme of the video is going to be '1D party'. You just have to make a picture or a little video where you dance your ass off or pictures where you look stunninggg. Do whatever you want! It can be éverything.

If you have your picture(s) or video(s) done, you can send them to dutch1D@hotmail.com and NOT our twitter, because we get important -uhuh, no thats a joke- mentions too, so.

We would love you all to join!
Thanks a lot,
Rayke, @dutch1Ders. (: xoxo

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