
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

13th Mar 2012 from Twitlonger

Niall James Horan. 4 syllabus, 5 vowels, one amazing person. Niall Horan may be just a name to some people out there. But little did they know, that the person by the name Niall Horan has changed many people's life.

Niall Horan has made millions of people chuckle, giggle, smile & laugh. He has a unique laughter that makes you laugh along cause it's irresistible & contagious! He is one amazing dude with a great personality. The way he laughs loudly on everything just reflects on his beautiful soul, heart & innocence. Even though he curses, he still sounds adorable. He is loved by millions of people cause he is simply amazing. Haters won't bring him down. Why? Cause he doesn't get the hate to him. All you need to know is he is amazing. He is always insecure about his looks & he needs to stop. He needs to know that he is flacking beautiful no matter what the haters say. He has such beautiful eyes they sparkles so amazingly. He has a blonde hair that looks so good on him. The way his cheeks turns red when he laughs is simply adorable. The way he smiles that sends you chills down your spine. Yes, that feeling is amazing. The way he talks with his accent just put a smile across our faces. He is adorable & he should never, ever change for anyone. & Yes, he is beautiful inside and outside. He's sexy, he's cute, he's nice, he's talented. & He is my life.

He has an angelic voice & he should have more solos. He is just so talented & I would like to take this opportunity to thank Katy Perry for believing in Niall and putting him through. Only god knows what will happen if Niall didn't make it. The sound of his voice calms me down & it always cheers me up whenever I am down. It seems like I can really relate to him.

I love how Niall has never forget his roots. His love for Ireland is just so huge. He keeps telling people he is Irish. Recently, he even pasted an Ireland flag on his mike. Isn't that adorable? It's just so adorable knowing that fame hasn't even change a bit. Stay that way, Nialler. Thank you for always being Niall & no one else. You are perfect.

I am certain that Niall has taught us that haters don't matter as long as we have the people we love. Niall is waiting for his princess and that's just so cute. Most importantly, Niall has taught us that it's okay to eat alot & not care about what people think of us. Niall has also taught us not to starve ourselves and just enjoy on the food that we have. Niall has taught us many stuff & I thank him for that. For instance, Niall has taught us to be ourselves. To be loud, to be happy, to live, love and laugh. Yes, that Irish dude has taught us that. Niall has also taught us we don't need to have a pretty face to be beautiful. We just need a beautiful soul just like him.

No amount of words can describe our love for Niall. We love Niall for being Niall James Horan. We love him a lot & nothing can ever change that. We love his huge appetite. We love the way he laugh on almost everything. We love the way he smile. We love his innocence. We love Niall James Horan & nothing can ever change that.

Thank you for being Niall James Horan. Thank you for changing our lives. Thank you for everything, Niall. You are an amazing Irish dude with a beautiful soul. We love you Niall, we really do. We won't stop loving you. We will keep supporting you. & yes, we will be with you & the rest of the lads through the good and the bad times. You can always count on us. No amount of words can describe how much we love you. Just know that we love you as much as we love food,which is a lot.

P/s: This is just part of what we love about Niall. If I continue writing, it will never end. Heh x Love you, Nialler xx

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