
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

11th Mar 2012 from Twitlonger

'Louis ......' Niall called out. I was in the living room, having pasta and just chilling when I heard Niall calling out my name. 'I'll be there in a minute' I replied & finished up my food before heading to Niall's bedroom. 'May I come in?' I asked Niall and waited for his reply. He remained silent and it got me worried. 'You alright buddy? Can i come in?' I asked again, hoping to get a reply from him. 'Niall James Horan, don't let me break this door down' I said as I constantly knock on his door. 'C...ome in' Niall said in a low, weak voice. And i know for sure, something wasn't right. Niall isn't always like this. He is loud and care free. But tonight, he was exceptionally quiet and weak. He was on his bed with a box of tissue. His eyes were red and sore. His cheeks were red as well and he tried to force a smile. 'What's wrong buddy?' I asked. 'My heart... Louis. It hurts' Niall said as he place his head on my left shoulder. 'I'll call the doctor now' I replied and grab my phone. 'No Louis ....... i can feel it breaking. It hurts Lou' Niall whispered and his tears keep streaming down his face. I lifted his head up and faced him. I wiped away his tears with my right thumb and messed his hair up. 'You always have me Nialler.' I assured him and pat his back. 'I lost the girl i love. It hurts. I must be the worst boyfriend ever Lou' Niall whispered weakly and cried in my arms. I let him cry everything out and constantly patting his back. 'Will Nandos make you feel better?' I joke around with him. He smiled a little and answered 'Yes. get me Nandos?' I smiled and he laughed. 'I'll get you nanods now, you stay here and wait for me okay?' I said to Niall and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and gave a kiss on my cheek. 'Love you lou!' He shouted and I left the house.

Before heading to Nandos, I headed to Niall's ex girlfriend house. I knocked on her door and she unlocked her door quickly. 'What brings you here,Lou?' She asked and smiled. She wanted a hug but I rejected it. 'What brings me here? Oh. You. I just want you to know that you are the most idiotic person ever to leave Niall. You'll regret leaving him one day. You will miss his laughter one day. You will miss his smile. You will miss his accent. You will miss his love. You will miss his hug & kisses. Trust me. You will miss Niall James Horan. Thanks a lot for making him feel so useless and miserable. You won and Niall lost alright? You don't know how much he is crying now. Thanks for making him cry. I guess this was your intention after all. To be with Niall & leave him. One day, you will look back and regret leaving Niall. But when that day comes, Niall will already be with the girl who deserves him. Thanks & goodnight' I said & left the place.

I love Niall & whoever hurts him, will have to deal with me

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