
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

11th Mar 2012 from Twitlonger

'Liam.. open the door' I said as he knocked on Liam's bed room door continuously. 'Leave' Liam said with the doors still locked. 'You haven't had any meals for 2 days. I'm getting worried bro' Zayn replied, still waiting patiently for Liam to open the door. 'Who cares?' Liam answered coldly. 'I do, Liam. I always care for you. Always will. I prepared something for you. Open the door now?' I tried to convince Liam. 'You only care for me cause you feel sorry for me. Stop pretending and leave Zayn. Just leave me alone.' Liam said. 'What's wrong buddy? I have been here for you since we were young and I will always be here for you. What's wrong? Did i do anything to you lately? Why?' Zayn answered, with a worried look. 'Everybody hates me, Zayn! Everybody in school does! You hate me too Zayn, just stop pretending that you don't. You hate me Zayn' Liam stuttered. His words aren't that clear but I could still managed to understand him. 'Can I come in?' I asked, hoping that he have already cool down and is willing to have me by his side. 'Yeah, sure' Liam said. i was relieved. Finally he allowed me to enter. My heart broke into million pieces when I see Liam sitting in the corner with a pen knife in his hand. His arms were full of pen knives mark. Yes, he slashed himself. I immediately dashed towards him and gave him a hug. 'LIAM PAYNE! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF?!' I shouted at him. 'You don't know my pain' Liam said and pushed me away. He continued to slash himself with the pen knife. 'STOP IT LIAM. STOP IT' I said and took the pen knife away from him.

'What's wrong?' I asked. 'Everything is. Do you know how much it hurts to be called ugly? Do you know how much it hurts to be pick on? Do you know that each day I have to do their homework. You don't know all this and yet you still tell me you care for me? Right Zayn, so much for caring' Liam said and snatched the pen knife from my hand. I remained silent. I don't know how to react. Yes, I have been such a bad friend to him. 'Leave Zayn. I got bullied each day and all you care about is the girls. All you care about is maintaing your popularity in school. All you care about is you and only you. You don't care about me Zayn. You don't. Just leave me alone. I don't feel like talking to you. Leave' Liam said and drag me outside. He locked his door again and I stood outside of his bedroom, still shock. i'm embarrass. How could I let this happen to Liam.

-the next day-

I was determined to say sorry to Liam. I wanted things to get better between us. I love Liam. I went up this bed room and unlock his door. My knees fell to the ground when I see Liam lying motionlessly on the ground with a bottle of pills next to him. I pull myself together and walked up to him. He wrote something for me on a piece of paper. 'You don't have to pretend that you care. i'm in a better place. I love you, Zayn. Thanks' My heart sank when I read those words. It hurts.

& up till today, i still hope i had another chance to make things better. But the fact is , i won't have another chance. I won't.

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