
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

10th Mar 2012 from Twitlonger

Dear Zayn's future girlfriend

Wow, a Bradford bad boy is in love with you. You better be lucky! It isn't easy to have a bad boy loving you, you know? Nah, just kidding! Zayn is only a bad boy cause he doesn't shave. Oh wait, he forgets to shave. You don't have to worry. I can promise you with all my heart that Zayn is a wonderful young man. Yes, he is amazing. Like what Liam said, Zayn is actually a very thoughtful person & you have a lot to learn about Zayn. But not to worry, I'm sure you will learn more about Zayn as time goes by. He is a very quiet person. But give him time to open up to you. When he already open up to you, trust me, he isn't that quiet guy anymore. He is mental. Zayn loves drawing. He can draw very well. Be his model, let him sketch you. After that, you can frame that picture up in your room. Zayn loves Nike. He loves varsity jacket. Get a matching varsity jacket together. I'm sure you guys will look adorable. Zayn loves saying 'vas happenin' When you get insecure, he will tell you that you are beautiful. Trust him when he says that. Love him for who is & not cause of his fame. He is amazing. You better be fortunate that he is in love with you cause millions of girls out there are trying to win his heart. But, you stole his heart away. You must be amazing, you know? Zayn loves rapping. Let him rap to you. Ask him to teach you on how to rap. Have a rapping session with him and record it. After doing so, listen to the rap. You can either laugh at how bad you sound or you can wait for him to compliment you. He loves sticking his tongue out when taking picture. Stick your tongue out when both of you snap a picture. Snap alot of picture with Zayn, he loves it cause he is vain! Zayn breaks table as well. But don't worry, he won't break your heart. You will love it when he reach his high notes. Look deep into his eyes when you talk to him. You will get lost in his beautiful brown eyes together with his long eye lashes. He will always give you kisses to show the world that you are his. Be proud of that cause he isn't embarrass to show the world who his girlfriend is. When he cries, wipe away his tears and hug him tightly. Don't ever let go of the hug till he calms down. He is a strong person, he really is. But that doesn't mean you can take advantage of him. You got alot to learn about this wonderful young person. But not to worry, you will soon discover things about him. He is special. Don't ever let him go,alright? Treat him nicely and be a good girlfriend for him. I don't want to see him crying, cause it will break my heart. I don't want to see his heart break cause it will kill me inside. Promise me that you will always try your best to make him smile? He deserve to smile, he really do. Just be the girl that every man wants. Be nice to DJ Malik. Love him like how he loves you. Shower him with your unconditional love. Don't ever let the love die. Love Zayn, not break him. With that, i wish you a long lasting relationship filled with happiness. Keep smiling and make sure he smiles as well.

Dear Niall's future girlfriend,

I hope you will treat him right. He has been waiting for his princess for quite sometime. Don't break his heart. In fact, make our boy smile. Let him wake up with a smile on his face. Let him wake up to your good morning text. Wish him good night before both of you head to bed. Ask him how he is, he loves it when you do that. Tell him he is beautiful. Whenever he feels insecure about his look, tell him he is beautiful. Then, give him a hug to let him know that you will always be there for him, no matter what. Have lots and lots of food with Niall. Go on various dinner dates just to eat. Make him laugh, cause when he laughs, it is music to your ears. Have an Irish dance with him. Niall is a belieber, he loves justin bieber. So, dance to Justin Bieber's music with him. Shower him with your love and care. Hug him when he feels insecure. Assure him that you will always be there for him, through the good and the bad time. Make promises with him and make sure you fulfill them. Bake cakes with him. Cuddle with him and laugh over a stupid conversation. Just be yourself when you are with him. When he smile, tell him that he looks good with those braces on & he don't have to be insecure about his looks. When he smiles, tell him that it brightens up your day. When he smiles, tell him that you never ever want that smile to end. When he smiles, you better be lucky, cause you are the reason for his smile. Most importantly, tell him that you love him each day. Make him feel loved, make him feel like he is the only boy in the world. Niall is a special guy, and you must be indeed lucky that you are his girlfriend. Please don't break his fragile heart. His heart is not meant to be played around. And if you are loving him cause of his fame, I suggest you leave. Love him for who he is and not his fame. Love him cause of his accent. Love him cause of his eyes. Love Niall Horan cause he is Niall Horan and no one else. Just be yourself when you are with him. You will love him, I'm sure you will. As time goes by, you will learn more about Niall. He is a special person. A very special person. Just promise you won't hurt him. Promise? Cause I can't bear to see him cry. Cause I can't bear to see him suffer cause of a heart ache. Promise that you will always be there for him no matter what happens? Promise that you will never play around with his heart? Promise that you will love him and only him? I hope this isn't too much to ask for. Just love and care for him. I'm sure he will appreciate it. With that, have a long lasting relationship with our boy. Make him smile alright? Treat him right cause he deserves to be treated well. Make him smile. x

Dear Harry's future girlfriend,

Harry Styles is an amazing young man. Once he is yours, don't ever let him go. He was once with Caroline and I don't think it worked out. Let's leave that in the past. It's about you and him now. Trust me on this, Harry is one of the most amazing guy you ever know. He has the most wonderful smile. He is one charming guy with a great smile. His smile will brighten up your day. When you listen to his voice, I'm sure you will get goosebumps. Please look after his fragile heart as well. Be mindful of what you say. Hold his hand in public, be proud that he is your boyfriend. Make him smile, make him laugh, make him cry of happiness. Surprise him with your surprises. Give him butterflies in his stomach. Make him believe that true love do exist. Have picnic with him, just the both of you with no fans and no paparazzi around. Like what Liam says, Harry is cheeky a 100% of the time. Treasure him alright? You may know that Harry is described as a flirt, but .... he won't flirt when he have you. Treasure him and make him feel love. Treat him right and make him smile. Let him show off his dimples. He has curls, and you better be lucky if you ever had the chance to touch his curls. Be lucky when he sings you to sleep cause his voice is just amazing. When he wraps his arms around you, treasure that moment cause you are with the most amazing guy in the world. When he whispers he loves you, just wrap your arm around his waist and tell him you love him too. When lying down with him in bed, remain silent and listen to his heartbeat. Hold his hand when he is nervous. Assure him that everything will be okay when things are hard. Promise him that you will always be there for him. Promise him that you will love him. Promise him that you will try your very best to make things easier when he is going through a hard time. When he is on tour, put your full trust on him. Give him a call before his performance to wish him good luck. Tell him you love him before he performs. If possible, surprise him on his show. Mess his curls up. Tell him you love him. Once he is yours, don't ever ever let him go. You will learn more about Harry Styles. But as for now, just know that he is amazing. Please don't ever ever hurt him. He deserves to be loved and cared for. He deserves to smile and tell the whole world he is in love with an amazing girl. I can't bear to see Harry cry again. So please, treat him right and don't ever break his heart. Promise me this? Promise that you will look after his well being? Promise that you will always be by his side, mentally? Promise me that you will always love him and only him? Promise? With that, I wish you a long lasting relationship with the most amazing guy on earth. Treat him well. Love and care for him.

I got alot to say, but I'm sure you will do a good job. Don't break their hearts! :') xx


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