
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

10th Mar 2012 from Twitlonger

'Let's draw today, daddy!' our son suggested to Zayn. Zayn looked at him and gave him a wide smile. 'Can daddy get a hug first?' Zayn asked with his arms wide open. 'Sure daddy!' Our son replied in excitement and ran towards him to give Zayn a hug. Zayn lifted him up and spin him around. 'Have you had your breakfast yet?' Zayn asked & messed up our son's hair. 'Not yet daddy, can you feed me, pretty please daddy? I'll give you a kiss in return! Does that count, daddy? Will you feed me now?' Our 5 year old son asked Zayn and gave him a kiss on his left cheek.

Zayn turned to face me and smiled. 'Of course, how about you wait in the living room while daddy prepare your breakfast for you.' Zayn said and put him down. He ran off to the living room and watch the television. 'Good morning beautiful' Zayn greeted me with a kiss on my forehead. 'Morning babe' I replied and gave him a hug. 'Did you had a good sleep, love?' Zayn asked while making toast for our son. 'It was lovely babe, how was yours?' I asked. 'With you in my arms, i feel so secure. My sleep was so good with you around babe. I love you so much' Zayn replied and winked.

'You know i love you too' I said and wrap my arms around his waist. 'Let's go babe, our son is waiting for us' Zayn said as he left the kitchen. I smiled looking at how Zayn fed our son. Yes, I am so lucky to have them around in my life. 'Open your mouth.... Airplane is coming. Zoooom' Zayn said. Our son smiled and open his mouth widely. 'Airplane enters' our son said and pointed to his mouth. 'No. What did daddy say? Don't talk when your mouth is full' Zayn reminded him with a stern face. Our son looked away, finished up his food in his mouth and hugged Zayn. 'I'm sorry daddy,please don't be angry. I promise I won't do it again' He said and wrap his little arms around Zayn's neck. Zayn smiled and gave a kiss on his right cheek. 'I'm not angry, hurry up and finish up your food so we can start drawing' Zayn said and fed him the last piece of toast. He then went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

'Mummy, stay there okay?' our son said. I nodded my head and waited for Zayn to come. Our son went to the kitchen and tugged on Zayn's shirt. Zayn smiled and carried him out to the living room. 'Daddy, sit beside mummy and smile!' He said and grabbed his drawing materials. Zayn and myself turned to look at each other. Zayn smiled and kissed me cheeks. 'We made such a beautiful baby together,babe' Zayn whispered in my ears. A wide smile was seen across my face when he whispered those words.

'Okay mummy & daddy, don't move ok? I'm going to draw you guys now' Our son said and started to draw. He was so determined to finish up his art work.

'Daddy, it's done.' He said and went up towards up. Zayn scooped him up from the ground and placed him in between us. 'It's perfect son. We will frame this up alright?' Zayn said and gave him a hug.

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