'Mum.. Dad...' our 16 year old daughter, Alice shouted. Harry & myself were in the living room, watching some dramas on the television. As soon as we heard Alice called us, we immediately rushed up stairs to check on her.

'may we come in?' Harry asked as he knocked on the door. 'sure' our daughter reply and unlocked her bed room door. 'How do I look,dad?' she asked, nervously. Harry remained silent for a moment. 'wow Alice, you look just like your mum when she was younger. Beautiful my girl' Harry said as he lean in to his daughter for a hug. Alice blushed and smiled. 'You are going on a date?' I asked and smiled. Alice nodded her head. 'I'm so nervous,Dad!' Alice confessed and held Harry's left hand. Harry smiled and assured her everything will be alright. 15 minutes later we heard a knock on our door.

'That must be John!' Alice shouted in excitement. We accompanied Alice to the door. Once she unlocked the door, John smiled and greeted us warmly. 'erm.. John.. Can I have a word with you?' Harry asked and leaded John outside. John looked nervous but still managed to smile.

'Don't break Alice heart. Her heart is fragile. I want you to make he happy. I want you to make her smile. Don't hurt her. I want you to love Alice as much as I love her. Don't play around with her fragile heart. If your intention is to break her heart, I suggest you leave now. She deserves the best and I'm putting my trust on you to love her like how I love her.' Harry said. He smiled to break the tense situation.

'I want you to love her like how I love my wife' Harry whispered to himself with a tear in his eyes.

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