We were just enjoying the evening breeze when we heard our little girl crying. Niall immediately let go of my hand and dashed forward to check on our little girl. I ran after Niall. Niall picked our daughter up and pat her back gently to calm her down. 'Shh. stop crying little girl. Daddy is here' Niall whispered in her ears. His right hand was still patting her back. Once our girl calmed down, Niall put her down. He then bend down to our daughter's height and smiled. 'You alright sunshine?' Niall asked as he pat her head.

She remained silent for a moment and pointed her finger to her left knees. Niall smiled and asked 'What's wrong with it? Daddy thinks it looks fine.' Niall assured her. She shook her head and place her right thumb in her mouth. 'Pain' She said softly. 'It hurts isn't it?' Niall asked and lifted he up. She rubbed her eyes, looked and Niall and nodded her head continuously. 'Shall I kiss your boo boo?' Niall asked. He looked at me and smiled. 'Remember the time i used to kiss your pain away? This time, I'm doing it to our daughter' Niall said as he gave a kiss on my right cheek. 'yes please daddy' She said and wrap her arms around Niall's neck. Niall lifted her up higher so he could kiss her knees. 'See.. All better now?' Niall asked.

She nodded her head. 'Can daddy have a kiss please?' Niall asked. A wide smile was on his face. She then kissed Niall on his left cheek. 'I'm tired Daddy' Our daughter voiced out and soon place her head on Niall's left shoulder.

'Shall I sing you a song, baby girl?' Niall whispered in her ears.

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