
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

29th Feb 2012 from Twitlonger

Louis & myself have been dating for over 1 year. We met in a restaurant & ever since then, I had a strong feeling about Louis. And true enough, 4 weeks later, he asked me out & I'm so glad I have him in my life. The one who makes me smile, who touched my heart, who protects and care for me. The one who I love with all my heart.

'Good morning babe!' Louis greeted me with a big smile across his face. He then came behind me and wrap his arms around my waist, swaying my body. it sends chills down my spine every time he did that. 'Morning boobear! What will we be doing on a beautiful Saturday?' I asked. 'I got something plan, go get ready love' Louis said as he spin me around. He then peck my lips and carried me to the bed room. 'We are in for a treat today' He said as he lay me down on the king size bed. He looked at me, gave me a kiss on my lips and left the room. Yes, that's how random my boyfriend is but still, he is the best!

I immediately went to the living room after I changed. 'Ready?' Louis asked. He had a sponge and soap in his hand. I nodded my head and locked my arms in his arms. We then left the house. 'Let's get wet today!' Louis whispered in my ears and winked. I giggled. Louis then took the hose and started spraying it on me. Yes, I was wet, really really wet. 'Louis!' I shouted and chased him with a bucket of water! 'Yes?' Louis answered & smiled cheekily. 'Watch out!' I screamed and hid behind the truck that Louis dad had bought for him. 2 minutes later, Louis noticed I wasn't there and he started shouting 'Babe. Come out.' He then walked behind the car and I splashed the bucket of water at him. 'Surprise!' i said and ran away. 'Urgh!' Louis screamed in frustration but still managed to smile. He chased me and unfortunately, he tripped and fell. I was standing beside him, laughing hilariously at him. 'Stop laughing babe!' Louis shouted and he pulled my leg. I lost my balance and fell on him. He winked at me and our lips met under the beautiful sunlight. He stroke my hair with his fingers and said 'I don't want to lose you babe. Thank you for being my source of happiness. i don't know what to do without you. I love you so much'

I placed my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

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