
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

27th Feb 2012 from Twitlonger

First Love. Zayn Malik, the most popular guy in school. His eyelashes were long and he had brown eyes. His lips were red and he has the most beautiful smile. He is always surrounded by girls and me, being the geeky one don't always get noticed by him. He can sing, rap and plays soccer very well. Did i mention he can play the triangle too? Yup, that's how talented that boy is. My chances to get noticed by him is 0/100. But, i always dream that one day, he will just turn his heart around so he can be mine.

It was a Saturday night, and as per normal, I was at home, watching some shows in my bedroom. Oh, did I tell you Zayn & myself stayed super close to each other. I can see what he is doing from my bedroom and vice versa. It was around 10 pm when I saw Zayn pacing up and down in his bedroom. He was on the phone, looking so tensed. 'Must be his girlfriend' I thought. I sat on my bed and observed Zayn's movement & finally, he noticed that I was looking at him. He smiled and waved to me. I took my sketchbook and wrote 'You ok?' He settled down on his bed and replied 'tired of drama' with a half smile. I then replied 'Sorry' He shrugged his shoulder and smiled. I looked down again, mustered my courage and wrote 'I like you' But, luck was not on my side. He draw his curtains and head to bed.

The difference between me and his girlfriend? Well, she is popular & she is on the cheer team. As for me, I'm in Science club. Yup, you can call me a geek. Prom was next Saturday and I'm all excited. Wait ... why am I excited? I don't even have any date!

-Next Saturday-

I'm all set for prom. I wore a red long dress together with a black high heel. I curl my hair and put my fringe down. I replaced my geek glasses with a pair of contact lenses. I'm actually so nervous. I have no confidence in myself actually. I have never ever dress up like this before! My heart beat was racing when I received a text from Zayn. Yes, Zayn texted me. How insane is that? Very insane.

'Go to your door now, a surprise is waiting for you' I read the text. My heart beat was racing and I could literally feel myself shaking. Worried, I walked down the stairs and unlocked the door. Zayn was standing at my doorstep. He was wearing a suit and he smiled at me. 'Let's go' he said as he drag me out of the house. I was holding his arms and he lead me to a park which was beautifully decorated with lights. I was touched.

He came behind me and closed my eyes. 'Don't worry' he said, trying to calm me down. '1,2,3' Zayn counted as he place his arms around my waist. I was crying. There were candles which says 'Will you be mine?' All the candles were lit up beautifully and I tear. I could feel his warmth when he hugged me from the back.

I turned around to face him. I was still crying, touched. It seems like a fairytale, but no. This is reality. This is happening to me.

He took my hands and looked me deep into my eyes. He smiled and said 'Let's run away with me. You & me, what else could go wrong?'

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